"There's no 360 softmod yet but maybe there will be one day" There would have been one already if that damn hypervisor wasn't such a pain in the ass to deal with
Yeah, it worked for me. One crucial thing not mentioned in the video is after you transfer the xbdm. xex file, you need to set it as "plugin1" in Dashlaunch so Xbox Neighborhood can detect your Xbox when you enter the IP or Xbox name. The sweet old Xbox boot animation, how 2000s.
God the 360 is nearly 20 years old, feel like just yesterday I played local minecraft with my friends
"The 360 is almost 20 years old". Thanks for reminding me lol
Woo, old splash screen, old blades dashboard, and maybe soon someone will find out how to get the old guide button menu next. All the while not affecting more recent games! This is what Microsoft took from you, an aesthetically pleasing and functional dashboard. Xbox nowadays is like the gaming equivalent of The Caretaker's dementia music. So happy to see the Xbox 360 modding scene take off.
Thank you for sharing the journey you're taking with the consoles you mod! I personally wouldn't have brushed off my childhood 360 if it wasn't for the first video piquing my interest, so what you're doing is definitely an inspiring venture.
For a very short period, early slim units did actually come with NXE, but it was such a short period its a miracle to find one that someone knows its rarity or hunt through early boxed examples, it was more common on the Kinect update and most notibly the early metro of which i've come across a few, to find an NXE Slim is rarer than blades units, it sits with finding an Opus on blades/kinect update as they pretty much updated your consoles to a minimum of NXE within service.
Hi Matt! I love how your Windows user profile is named Billy. So majestic!
I think there are some slim models that actually shipped with nxe, but it was such a short period of time that it is pretty much as rare as finding an early jasper unit with blades (they shipped with blades for about 2 months)
I hope one day we can have the old Blades/NXE Xbox guide as our guide UI
I remember the first time I ever modded my 360 was when I found out you can change the boot animation. Now I live happily with my blue xbox 360 bootanim❤️
Awesome. I've always hated the new boot animation since it got changed in 2010, it reminds of that awful Xbox era where they were making gaming a side thing and cared more about Netflix and sports. The old boot animation always reminds me of the golden era of the 360 back in 2005-2009. It's also just a much better made and fitting boot animation than the new one.
wow funny enough in my head we never left the original animation. everytime i think of the 360, i think of the OG launch
Short, concise, good.
if you do this and then set the blades dash.xex from protostealth to start on boot in dashlaunch you can basically have a blades dashboard xbox with the old startup that can go online and play modern xbox live games
Yeah. I installed the old animation a few years ago. I also got the blades dashboard mapped to X when I boot the console. Just for nostalgia purposes. It’s kind of useless now. But is fun to boot it on a slim
I agree with the 2005-2010 startup screen since it is the best!!!
We do, in fact, love the internet archive
I agree that the original animation is superior and I don't have a particular "nostalgia" related factor to saying it. BTW I prefer also PS3's original boot logo but even more it's original boot sound. I have replaced those in my PS3. The updated one sound like a bland shortened version of the older one.