
I really like slakoth because actual sloth has a symbiotic relationship with moths.


Wynaut is a legendary because wynaut


The moth slakoth is literally as ‘snug as a bug in a rug’


Make bulbasaur which is a electric dragon type dinosaur with a bulb on its tail and dustox which is a ground type bull Pokemon


"why did you even had to change good ol wynaut and turn it into a legendary?"
"Why not?"


Espathra having the ability to hypnotize anyone staring at its wings for too long is similar to Bigchill's predator from Ben 10.


I wish there was a pokemon that would play off of Wynaut's name where it deeply inacts all its intrusive/impulsive thoughts bc "why not"


Wynaut looks sick!


I would unironically buy a plushie of that design of Slakoth.
It’s so adorable.


I actually love this creative exercise.


Esparthra is a cool ass name wasted on some bird with layers of clothes


I would love to see a Pokémon game where one travels to a different universe where they encounter Pokémon with the same names of already existing Pokémon, but have different appearances and types.


Honestly imo these designs are way better. I love the little moth so much.


Me: "Why not?"


love how Slakoth's wings look likes a blanket


Protect the Slakoth ❤


That new slakoth and its evolution are legitimately great designs I could see being used in an actual game.


Moth slakoth is so cute. I’m imagining it glowing in the dark ngl.


I LOVE SLAKOTH! It's literally me, a lazy mothie


i cant look at slakoth the same anymore