
I've uploaded this video when most of the US and Europe (most of my viewers) are asleep to get some more Aussies on board. Only 9% of you are Australian so that's not good enough! šŸ˜I'm half Australian myself although you'd never know it from my accent...I hope to see a lot more of you bringing some Aussie sparkle to the comments section and subscribing! šŸØšŸ˜Ž


Iā€™m glad youā€™re covering the show. Iā€™m in Australia and it was huge here. I was very disturbed that a show purporting to be designed by psychologists would place someone with a blatant attachment disorder with a blatant manipulative narcissist


It's really sad to see a woman so down on herself. When she said I hope I'm good enough, it made me cringe. I live in Australia and stopped watching MAFS because I think the show takes advantage of people's vulnerabilities. Love your videos and step by step analysis - so insightful.


Right. A victim without self-examination is doomed to repeat their mistakes. She's sabotaging herself.  Ugh.


She is SOOO gorgeous.  She seems incredibly sweet and lovely on the inside.  I hope someday she values herself more.  I like the points of this video for us all to lear from.


She told one of those useless psychologists that her father abandoned her when she was just 1 year old and that she could never overcome this. So that's a crucial reason for her issues.


You're so right about not looking for someone to make you feel good about yourself. You made that point about Bronson as well. It's a real eye opener


Watching Melissa is like watching myself. Itā€™s great to see where my own behavior sabotages my relationships by putting people on pedestals.


"The fact that he made eye contact"....pretty low bar she set there.


I hope Melissa and all women who do not have good self-esteem will see your videos. it hurts to see how badly she thinks of herself and yet I also recognize a lot of myself in Melissa.


This was so cringey! I hope people hear what youā€™re saying about self-respect and self-confidence. Thank you Zoe! šŸ’œ


I really like how you were able to carefully point out that victims can contribute to their abuse through their choices, and you did it without ā€œvictim blaming/shamingā€. She gave him power immediately, no questions asked! She really isnā€™t a bad person at all but ver desperate, IMO the way she processes her past rejections and insecurities have her caught in a cycle of abuse. She needs to heal and learn to know her worth. Relationships arenā€™t going to bring that. I wish her all the best going forward.


The 3 dislikes are from the psychologists on MAFS..


I feel bad for her because my mom raised me to have that super self-deprecating mentality, which is a magnet for narcissistic people. There is nothing wrong with being humble, but you donā€™t have to trash yourself.


BRILLIANT. I WISH SOMEONE HAD TAUGHT ME ALL THIS 45YRS AGO. It took me decades to finally learn to not set myself up for narcissists & their abuse, simply because I'd experienced so much abuse in childhood, so had no idea it wasnt 'normal'. THANKYOU & KEEP TEACHING THESE TRUTHS, BECAUSE THIS IS DESPERATELY NEEDED IN THIS INCREASINGLY NARCISSISTIC SOCIETY.


Isnā€™t it interesting how the victim is also quite self-centered? Her entire speech was focused on her insecurities.


Itā€™s sad that Melissa was worried heā€™d run away because of her insecurities... what she didnā€™t realise is that it would be way worse, he would be drawn to her because of her insecurities


I wish I had had Live Abuse Free when I was entering the years of dating. I never learned about self confidence or independence growing up. I was in one abusive relationship after another. So many regrets about choices I made. I wish every young man and woman could  listen to you before dating and marriage.


I saw a few videos of Melissa and Bryce .He is narcisstic man who seems to love the fact;that she always seems to adore him and support him(no matter how he treats her/no matter what his actions really show).
Even when others make statements about a secret girlfriend;waiting for him ;Melissa doesn't want to hear it.When her mom and sister gave her feedback about him;she got angry with them: not with her narcisstic husband.


Never depend on someone to make you feel whole..  there's no guarantee they will stay. You'll be left feeling less then and looking for anyone to fill that space for you.