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The Bug/Water line are 100% my favourite new designs from this video, the incorporation of so many elements so well is genuinely impressive.


A power ranger Pokémon of every type


I actually had an idea for an early route bug for my own fanmade region. It's mainly inspired by the classic children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar but also incorporates an arts and crafts theme, particularly ones involving paper such as paiper-mache or paper cutting. This is mainly in reference to the fact that the author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle, created the illustrations in his children's books by making collages with different colored pieces of tissue paper.


1:15 The wheels are similar to Rellor's dung ball, good touch


Kinda strange to have an early route bug evolve with an evolution stone, since they have mostly evolved quickly in the past. But again, we did get grubbin evolving super late in Alola...


12:59 Now that we have a Black Ranger, a Red Ranger, and a Blue Ranger, we need a Pink Ranger and a Green and/or Yellow and/or White Ranger 🤣


Also fun fact!
God Tombo (the Dragonfly zord) who inspired Dazure become the sword of King-Ohger


The bug/fairy line is adorable



2:26 I’m gonna die if I keep saying il protect them with my life!



"And with the addition of Henzure we have a full team of tokusatsu bug Pokémon. Henzure as the Blue Ranger, Lokix as the Black Ranger, and Ledian as the Red Ranger" 

Last time I checked 3 isn't a full team in Pokémon or Super Sentai, I know what video should be next. Finish the team.


1:03 if I had a nickel for every time pragmagik made a reference to wanting to watch Luca from a Pokémon design, I’d have 2 nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s strange it happened twice


12:22 woah… superhero Pokémon… I really need to see a superhero Pokémon of every type now😍. Imagine a whole group of superhero Pokémon that function like palafin! Each protecting a certain region. Ex: Palafin=ocean, bird hero?=sky. They can be the Pokévengers or the Pokéjustice League


Rohinoth’s redesign is nice, I guess you could say it’s a new moon…


I can so see Vaccsquito be the companion for Nurse Joy in whatever region that fakemon is from.


the fairy-type moths..ARE THE CUTEST THINGS…my god..we need these in the base game..I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!


I have also created a Masked Hunter bug Pokemon, though it disguises itself to look more rabbit like, making it a dust bunny as well.
Females evolve into a bug/fairy type wolpertinger Pokemon
Males use stronger materials to become bug/rock, then when you use a metal coat on them, they become bug/steel


Isn't the Hercurcules line from the Xenoverse game?


9:19 Thermite also happens to be the name of a flammable substance that produces insane amounts of light and heat when ignited.


The silk moth line might be the cutest!