"Albert, you can't escape" Albert: "Okay, I'll force Kai to escape."
"Kai, that was aggresive" Albert like 2 mins later: throws Kai out of the map
Kai occasionally obliterating Albert's dead body shows that AI is capable of learning gamer rage
10:17 bro clutched the 5v1
Albert: "while you struggled on foolish pursuits, i studied the cube"
The 1v5 went crazy you can’t even lie
7:06 "Now Kai's frustrated" *explodes in frustration*
10:00 did he just WALL JUMP?! I don’t think you noticed how cool that way
*1 vs 5 Albert: "I like those odds"
Albert did not merely "learn to play tag," he unlocked Ultra Instinct.
6:25 Albert makes a wall, Kai breaks it, and Albert proceeds to send a block back at mach 10 speeds
1:10 Albert learnt to break Kai’s ankles
i like how Kai kept emoting on Albert whenever he tagged him, very human
Albert constantly throwing himself outside has to be the most hysterical strategy of all.
Best part: Albert learned fairly early on that the best escape strategy for avoiding mortality is ascension to a higher realm.
9:46 Four of them instantly died of not knowing what to do, but the last one went full sweat mode, and activated his ULTRA INSTINCT. He has avenged his falled comrades.
Albert: I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.
8:30 even without human intervention, THEY INVENTED TBAGGING LOLLL
albert perfectly understood that "to confuse your opponent you must first confuse yourself"