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A friend of mine is a vet and when Calci-Sand came out, she told me to get it off my shelves. In all her years as a veterinarian (at that point, 19 years), she only had to operate on 3 lizards with substrate impactions. Calci-Sand came onto the scene and she was doing 1-2 impaction surgeries almost every week and it was out for about 6 months at that point. T-Rex had just sent us a few boxes of different colors as samples to sell. I only sold a couple of bags to a customer who used it for her rock gardens and the rest got thrown out.


Pectina Lizard: the best pet lizard?

I don't know.  You haven't told me...yet.


i had 3 out of my 5 beardies out watching this video (not all at once. individually.) with me lol. they all are intrigued by their small cousin on the screen.


As someone with the last name of Rankin, I think I need this little dragon in my life!


I think the pygmy bearded are my favourite dragon to keep as pets. A lot of the smaller dragons in Australia don't have the same temperament as the central bearded dragons and are extremely skittish and are un-inclined to be handled where as these guys just chill out on you like the centrals. The only thing you don't really get from Pygmies is that there aren't a lot of color morphs, even in Australia.


Video idea: If you want this (Prehistoric Reptile) get this (Modern Reptile). For example, If you want a Spinosaurus, get a Sailfin Dragon.


Can we please get a full phylogeny of extant Pinnipeds? And if you happen to know of some good extinct ones that would be great too. Thanks.


I was honestly so surprised at the score of 1 for availability; I had no idea they were that rare in the US. Here in the UK, I see them regularly in a local reptile shop, and I came across them online quite often when looking for bearded dragon breeders. I was expecting a score of 3 or 4.


I died when you mentioned the "stack of who would win books." Oh man that was a good line.


I donโ€™t have a pygmy beardie, but I do have a dwarf beardie. In Western Australia, central beardies are illegal to keep since they are not native to the state, so we make do with keeping the dwarfs. Some keepers say their dwarfs are friendly and social, but my boy is quite standoffish about handling, so he is a display pet. Itโ€™s interesting how social pygmys are, he is a beautiful model for the video


Oooohhh! Seeing the outtakes at the end gave me an ideaโ€ฆ I would love if you would do a series about the intelligence of each of these species as well.  Actually all the species of snakes and lizards! In your opinion, what makes them intelligent, how they think, socialize, tame up, interact, problem solve, also your take on Reptile emotions such as pleasure or fear. You could do a scoring/rating system on this whole series too!!! Something to think of if you start running out of content ๐Ÿ˜‚.


Finally @ClintsReptiles did a video on the Rankins!  Dwarf bearded dragon: half the size, twice the fun! :D The only thing missing in this video is that they are far more social and tolerant towards each other. In nature they live in small groups unlike centrals which mostly live alone. Which makes them a lot easier to cohabitate. In fact a pet shop owner that had them said to me he recommends keeping Rankins with a minimum of 2.
One of the most underrated lizards. They appear to be much more available and affordable here in Europe. Seen them om expo's and even in a pet shop. Although far far less compared to the central. The inbred issues might not exist here as much as in the US.

I went specifically for them as my first lizards because of their smaller size but similar character. And unlike a Leopard gecko they are day active. I still think it is my best pet purchase ever.

 I bought an adult pair from the previous owner which were sold with a 80x40x50cm terrarium. Which I upgraded to 100x50x50. 

BTW mine have pooped on me (and other people) several times and it is very smelly and gross. 

How about a Rankins VS Painted dragon video? :)


I dunno why your wife wouldn't think a reptile enclosure would be good for the living room. I have my enclosure for my bts in my living room and with the plants and lights it's really livened up the room. And it has the added bonus of a friend who comes to sit in his basking spot and wanders around.


I discovered you about a month ago and am spending way too much time going back to watch all of your videos.  the main problem I have is I can only hit the Thumbs Up button once.  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Did you know the popularity of reptiles has BLOWN UP in the past 5 years? I think YOU are responsible for that Clint. You and Brian, rest his soul๐Ÿ˜‡, Chandler and all of the other great youtube channels for reptiles! You guys are all responsible for this amazing hobby becoming so popular. I've become an armchair expert on reptiles because of all the channels i watch in here. Thankyouโค


The rankins dragon was my first pet reptile and I've had him for 6 years now. He's absolutely AMAZING, and if I had to choose between the central bearded dragon and the rankins dragon, I'd choose a rankins any day.

They're very common over here in Europe and I know as many rankins dragon owners as central bearded dragon owner in Finland alone!


Where I live in Europe I see them kind of often actually. It hasn't been the right time for me (yet), but these have definitely been on my radar! Such cool animals :D


I want to give it a tiny hat


โ€Are they morons?โ€
*Remembering pretending to eat my ball python's tummy*

Yeah, I get it.