The docks of Monaco being visible as part of its coastline will never not be hilarious to me.
Apparently, Free French forces had the opportunity to take Monaco at the end of the second world war. The officer in charge asked permission from De Gaulle to invade the principality. De Gaulle answered: "If you had invaded Monaco and told me later, I would have condemned you in public, and I would have congratulated you in private. Now, you are asking me permission. I can't give it."
Yes! We are back to "Why does this small country exist?" series. Also known as "Why didn't their neighbors take them over?" 😅
I heard a Monaco tour guide once describe Monaco as the expensive mushroom or truffle on the tree of France. It's very small and depends on France for national security and resources, but it's an expensive addition to have and it attracts much wealth and joy.
Kinda surprised and disappointed we didn't get a scene of the Princes of Monaco running across a field of flowers celebrating that they weren't conquered. Also, I found out that Monaco residents (at least the permanent ones) speak a language called Monegasque (a dialect of Ligurian which I believe it's the same language spoken in Genoa), which, like the country itself is one of those relics of when Europe was divided into many units and each had its unique language or dialect. Kinda like Maltese or Luxembourgish.
Also fun fact: Monaco is actually smaller (0.78 sq.miles/2.02 km²) than Central Park in New York (1.31 sq. miles/3.41 km²).
Fun fact: every family that has succeeded to the throne of Monaco has adopted the name and coat of arms of Grimaldi even if they aren't actually descended from the the original family in the male line. In fact, this has happened twice: first, with Prince Jacques I who was originally a Goyon-Matignon and adopted the name on his marriage to the daughter of the last Grimaldi Prince of the original family, Louise Hippolyte, who also reigned in her own right, and secondly when the grandfather of the current Prince, Prince Pierre, who was originally a Polignac, married Charlotte, the legitimatised daughter of Louis II, the last Prince of the Grimaldi family of the Goyon-Matignon male line.
When you showed how Monaco looked like before being annexed to Sardinia, I thought "alright, I can't wait to see the map changing to show its current borders". I didn't even notice that said current borders were one of its tips
It is worth making 2 clarifications: 1) when we speak of the Kingdom of Sardinia, in reality it is the Savoys, specifically the Piedmontese 2) there is an agreement between the Principality and France, which provides that in the event the Royal Family dies out, the remaining territory will become France.
Monaco is so small, the street circuit it has, takes quite a large part of the entire country
THANK YOU!!! We had a voluntary school trip to Europe when I was 17 and we went to Monaco. We tried to ask our tour guide to tell us about it and she was always like "hey, look over there" and dodged our questions. You've answered a question that was confusing my lazy brain for 20 years. 😆
Monaco is basically what would happen if a country club was its own country.
I love this channel for being so niche. Answers questions I never had, but once I hear them, i want to have them answered.
I got kicked out of the casino in Monaco 45 years ago. Just because I 1) did not have a suit or jacket and 2) was only 18 (minimum age was 21). I was "eurailing" through Europe so jackets were contraindicated in my backpack. I am convinced that if I had the suit they would never have asked about my age.
I love these little micro histories for places you just kinda forget exist.
One of the best history channels on YouTube, the animations always make me laugh as well.
If all of us History Matters subscribers got together we could probably take over Monaco easily. So whose with me.
"Had one objective, dont get conquered" - Thanks for the advice, I will take it into consideration when I start my next country
Here after Charles Leclerc won at Monaco - the true hero of the Monagasque