I like to believe Godzilla forced himself to be thinner and glow a reddish color after his fight with MechaG, maybe because he realized brute strength is not always the way to go and he needed to be more agile like that machine, that would also explain why he has larger arms, also MechaG's main color was red, so maybe be wanted to assimilate or be counterpart to it as well
So a few theories: 1. That little kong that we saw was most likely under scar king’s control and escaped to only find Kong, which is how he found out about this whole thing. My other theory is that this infant kong had his parents killed so he could escape. Idk 2. The tribe that worshipped Gia was most likely the hollow earth tribe mentioned in the cave paintings and is most likely a tribe that worships kong as they ornate Gia. This tribe could be encountered after kong fought Scar King, which brings me to my next point. 3. In the part where Scar King drops down and roars, before that, the kongs that seem to be enslaved under this Titan move aside which is most likely a confrontation. This is probably where Kong will get his metal arm. However, kong would have most likely been enslaved under Scar King as well, so either Scar King just lets him go or Kong escapes, with the help of the kongs that most likely saw potential in kong and protected him. 4. Before we cut to Godzilla’s awakening, one guy(possibly Nathan Lind) says that Kong can’t stop this on his own. The keyword here is “this”. Which means that there could be something planned by this Titan. What is this plan? We don’t know, but it will threaten both the Hollow Earth and Earth. How did they find out about this plan. Back to the tribe. This is a very outlandish theory, but this hollow earth tribe could also be evil and trying to brainwash gia into going under Scar King. Gia would most likely not be brainwashed and Kong could most likely come in to ward of the tribe. There, the crew would figure out the plans of Scar King and because of the crystals shown in that scene being similar to the crystals shown in Godzilla’s dormancy, kong will take advantage of these crystals to wake up Godzilla. 5. That claw that crushed that construction worker is probably a new Titan like goji said, or it could’ve those hollow earth crustaceans. Although it may be a little disappointing, it makes a whole new perspective. The plan could be that scar king is going to bring the hollow earth to earth and make his own world of Earth. Why is he doing this? He most likely wants to have more exposure to radiation so he can get stronger. After done that, he will kill Godzilla and Kong and declare himself the new alpha, eradicating humans and all life to create his own.
The only downside to Godzilla’s new form is that he lost a lot of mass, but on the bright side he got way faster and probably more agile.
My hope is that Scar King's threat comes not from his own physical might but his ability to control and lead other titans while not being an alpha, this forces Godzilla to raise an army of the monsters that he took command of in KOTM including Rodan and Behemoth
The new evolved Godzilla is way thinner, which looks like the corporal build and body type of mechagodzilla, it’s possible he evolved into this form after getting recked by MG to be faster and more agile, since MG was maneuvering around Big G with ease.
Something I noticed that I don't think a lot of people draw attention to is the fact that in that run sequence at the end, Kong doesn't have his axe, despite having it an earlier scene in the trailer. My guess is that Kong might have his axe taken by Scar King during their first encounter, which is also possibly where he gets his arm injured, needing that metal brace/gauntlet after the fact to make up for the loss until he can get it back.
I saw other trailer analysis posted. But I didn't watch them because I wanted to see a trailer analysis from the REAL goji kings.
I think those creatures chasing Kong looks like Death Jackals. The reason they are so big is probably the exposure to the Hallow Earth for a long time and and evolved to being the top apex predators of their territory and no competition
I like the idea that Godzilla can feed on different Hollow Earth energies. Blue could be the most common, Pink is much more rare but also much more powerful. It kinda harkens back to the energy crystals from Godzilla: Unleashed. Maybe thats what caused the SpaceGodzilla rumors?
This is the only channel I look foward to when it comes to Titans, Monsters, and Kaiju great quality contents.
After just seeing Godzilla Minus One, already super hyped for more Kaiju content, especially Monsterverse
I’ve said this before, I think kong is going to accidentally release Skar king, fight him and lose (injuring his arm) and Godzilla is going to appear having sensed Skar kings release. Kongs going to either escape or get rescued by monarch (and receive that brace) and right when Godzilla is about to defeat Skar king, Shimu will appear, having been called by Skar king. Shimu is going to freeze Godzilla in the hollow earth and Godzilla will mutate and evolve. Kong will emerge in Egypt and Shimu will pursue him.
Damn u guys work fast! Great video. Lots of insight into the new trailer!
I want to see Mothra again in the new movie. The Queen of the monsters deserves a Second Chance.
Another W analysis! I would also like to say how in 7:04 every other member of the Kong species was scared of Scar King except for Kong. So I'm thinking maybe while the other Kong's were submissive to Scar King, Kong probably wasn't. Which Scar King probably saw it as disrespect, provoking a fight which causes Scar King to injure Kong's arm and afterwards leads to Monarch giving Kong the brace.
A couple of years back, you predicted that there would be a baby Kong in the next Monsterverse movie, and it turns out that you were right.
I hope that Angirus will make an appearance, maybe a creature that lived in the hollow earth. The spike that hit the ground could be one of Angirus’ spikes either one from is tail or from his back. Most likely his tail.
After i saw the trailer the first thing that came to mind was this channel. The dedication on this guy and the analysis are out if this world. The details and everything. This is the best kaiju/Big monster channel and everyone should see this guy as the main guy for info.
I'm still hoping we see Anguirus at some point. He was one of the OG teammates of Godzilla