
I'm more impressed on how you can make things organised and chaotic at the same time.


I expect EVERY citizen of California to yell: “YO CASEY!”, when seeing Casey. Just like in New York.


Who else was thinking that Casey was gonna show his studio in California


Marlin won't deliver packages to him :-(


Fully convinced Casey is living out of his Tesla and just doesn't want to break the news to us yet.


Casey is so efficient with space he mounted a snow shovel on the ceiling xD 9:02


Y’all already know he really hasn’t been uploading because he’s busy setting up his 10,000 cameras around LA


No MArlin, no boosted board footage, no studio, no juice press but no more NY:-(


Casey: My new new studio 
Me: OK it's about time 
Also Casey: doesn't show the new studio


It's cool how you put the pink border on the AD part.. so it's easy to skip past it.  I respect that.


This man needs to start daily vlogging again - who agrees?


That studio was iconic, I would’ve made that into some type of museum or tourist exhibit lol


Every LA vlog so far: "This is what I did in NYC!"


Man, seeing those clips of the old studio really made me nostalgic. I'll really miss the old studio but I'm excited to see what you do in LA. Good luck for the future and I just hope you keep making videos🙏


"its like a little window that i left open that i can come back through  at any time" golden words casey👍


Am I the only one who misses the “first class airplane” videos


Casey you are the man BUT i miss the level of  cinematography you used to give us. I miss the timelapses. I miss the sick drone shots. I miss riding the boosted board whilst reviewing a product & filming at the same time... Please come back to us.


It’s cool that Casey kept the small part of the studio in New York


Casey: "...take advantage of every square inch of space"

Also Casey: uses 20 cubic yards of space for like button poster


Him leaving his studio behind sorta feels like me leaving my childhood behind and growing up