The ice in the milk bowl 💀
Classic jin.. He's always eating in all his videos 😂
It’s the way when she bit the cookie. It sounded like she was biting an apple. Lol
The first one killed me 😭
The shirt's message is too relatable Classic Jin always has the best shirts
Hahahaha never misses!! Truly I learned a lot today!😂😂
Everyone talking about the video Me: That long string of saliva when he ate the sushi 🥴🤤
Not eating the side she dipped the cookie in is a violation to living💀
"What if we just sat together and did nothing" Such inspirational words❤❤😂😂
The t- shirt is everything.
If your ever in my presence and eat a cookie like that, you will no longer be in ANYBODY’S presence ever again.
The Video: Cool! The Shirt: "what if we just sat together and did nothing"
this lady made me happy so I'm not the only stupid one 😂😂❤❤
The string of saliva killed me man
Kelihatan bgt nahan ketawa nya 🤣🤣🤣🤣
i went to japan for ten days this month! the experience was fun and i would like to go again!!
Me when I'm eating in public and I try not to act awkward
Everybody hates Chris ahh cookie😭🙏
the pain that comes at the end ☠☠☠