
Thank you so much for the update.  Please let international travelers know that although you can upload the new Welcome Suica Mobile app,  the app will not allow you to load money from a foreign location (for, the US) even if you use a VPN.  You must load money once you are in Japan, but at least the work of loading the app is done before we travel.  Again, THANKS !


If I remember correctly, the physical Welcome Suica cards expire after 28 days. 180 days is a big improvement over that! Nice.


Thank you for a clear and well thought out video.


Thank you !! Great info . Just in time. Headed there in 2 weeks 😊


Thank you so much! Your video is so helpful! We’ll be using this soon.


I purchased a Famicom Disk Suica card holder from the Nintendo store last time I was there. I want to make use of it. I'll cling to my physical card as long as possible haha


Great video Kenchan! May I suggest a video? A video dedicated to how to travel without a smartphone? My husband doesn't have a smartphone and most videos we see assumes the visitor has a smartphone. Keep up the great content!


Thank you Kenchan, very helpful info.


Thank you for this video! Great to know the pros and cons against the Apple Pay Suica card. I still have balance on my Apple Pay Suica Card and this new app’s 180 day limit means I probably won’t use it, but it’s a great idea for new travelers!


Like your new light behind the plant


Hello Kenchan san 
Thanks for the video 
I'm not very tech savvy though 
Missing your walks😊


Just in time for me visiting Japan next month. I'm so glad they made this app, and finally in English, I was trying to watch guides to set up the old Suica app cause its in Japanese


I'm not giving up my 20 year old suica card. Also my phone runs out of power so I'll be trapped.
Its funny how these kinds of things always make your money "expire" too.
"Oh damn sorry, your money went old so we had to delete it"


Great video. Wish it would be available for Android too.


That's great information Kengo san. I really enjoyed having the mobile suica card on my phone last year. I'm not sure whether I would use the added features of the app, but I'm interested to see what extra features they might add before my next trip.


The ability to buy the one day pass is really useful. I don't use apple but this will be good for customers that do use it.


Hi thanks for info. Does it have to be Apple pay only? Can i insert for eg Revolut


Me doing something wrong,  the train gate denying me, and playing that alarm, is my biggest source of trauma in Japan.


Great video but in Spain cannot even charge until I land in Japan


I downloaded the app and can't do anything because I'm not in japan. The official descriptions says to set it up "before the trip" but somehow it's broken.