Dr. Fox, since you recommended saying affiirmations to help us with our BPD, I've noticed a big difference in my mood and relationships. Thank you!
That was always how I saw the U.S. In so many older hollywood movies (80ies,90ies) these small guestures are a core element, like bringing the coffee to sb, making a small compliment.. but it's missing nowadays.
This is people pleasing for our own gain though. It is not altruistic as we are expecting something in return; that of a mood booster, external validation. So it is pleasing others to get a type of internal payoff. How can I do an act of kindness in reality without thinking "what do I get out of it?" Do I have to be 100% altruistic? Or can it be, e.g. 70% positive effects for me and 30% positive for the recipient?
Hey dr.fox , i have question that how do we deal with the trigger of loss of independence. To me this has been huge trigger that i struggle to cope with and often this leads to relapses. Btw i appreciate your work for borderlines .
I am currently in the process of being officially diagnosed by a psychologist at my therapist office for ASD. (I'm an adult, turn 30 in April) I was diagnosed with BPD years ago by a previous therapist who has since retired but my new therapist is surprised I've never been tested for ASD; in the mean time, I took the free RAADS-R test and scored rather high, at 155. During our session today she updated me that the referral for testing has been put in, we just have to wait for the PA's to be approved, etc. I am curious from your standpoint, someone who specializes in BPD, what is the likelihood that I was either misdiagnosed with BPD over ASD or if I have both. I understand you don't see me as a patient but after talking with my therapist, doing the online-unofficial diagnosis testing and seeing how much some symptoms overlap, what the likelihood is for me to have been misdiagnosed or even having both? I know my therapist and my psychiatrist said the main impact if I'm diagnosed with ASD would be how we continue treatment going forward in the future. If you're able, I'd love to hear your opinion or from someone in the comments that has experience with one or the other/both.
What if I don’t feel myself kind at all just faking and trying to avoid the same abandonment?
But what if you have seizures that increase cortisol temporarily? 😂 Genuine question though