1:57 brand new character expression omg
"I love Rome so much that I prefer to see two of them" - Theodosius I, probably
2:30 I wasn't expecting a Rocky IV reference in a video about Rome, but here we are.
"If it dies, it dies" 🤣🤣🤣 love the reference
RIP Kelly Moneymaker
Just to clarify, the division was merely administrative. The Roman Empire was officially united but both halves were administered by their respective 'Augustus'. The two Emperors were often in close contact with eachother and each individual law introduced by an Emperor was enforced in both halves of the Empire.
“I love Rome so much that I prefer to see two of them.” -James Bissonette
“Why did Rome split in two?” James Bissonette and Kelly Moneymaker (RIP) wanted their own halves.
If anyone’s wondering. In a 2019 QnA he mentioned that even though he loves doing the 10 minute histories, YouTube’s broken demonetisation policy meant that if one of those videos got demonised his revenue will be severely impacted. As such you decided to split the workload into more shorter videos. That way if one of the videos got to monetise he wouldn’t lose as much money. He did also say that he would love to go back to the eventually if the demonetisation policy permits.
I was glad to see you did mention the fact that co-rulers and imperial partnerships were actually relatively common. Roman political culture was always a bit muddled and ambiguous. Augustus is remembered as "Emperor" today but he didn’t actually create any new titles for himself, he just held a whole bunch of various titles and powers all at once. The thing about the Roman polity was that they never developed any laws that actually set out how imperial succession should be handled. Like, being the son of the previous emperor absolutely could be a huge point in your favor, but it wasn’t decisive. The Imperial Office was exactly that, an Office rather than an inherited throne, and the burdens and powers of that office could be shared.
A video on Odoacer's rule over Italy after the fall of Rome and before the Ostrogothic conquest would be cool.
There must be a way to blame Napoleon for this.
It's always brilliant start to finish, but the expression of the head on a stick was perfect.
This episode has one of the best visuals out of other videos. Those territorial changes overtime are superb!
"Brother of the east..i need help..." "Naahhhh fam you're on your own"
dude the quality jumped insanely high. Way to go man this is incredible
"Why was Rome split in two?" Emperor: "because i said so!"
1:57 that character expression is golden. Please do more of it, it is hilarious.