ハイライト (Highlight) 10:38 WALL A-chan 49:10 YAGOOには笑顔でいてほしいロボ子さん (YAGOO's smile is better than crying - by Roboco-san) 1:04:20 ガチャの時間 (Gacha time) 1:33:00 ろぼさー畑開店 (Roboser farm open) 1:58:30 初めてのカジノ (First time in casino) 1:30:36 懐かしの面々 (Nostalgic members) 1:49:40 問題のシーン (THAT moment) 1:53:37 スバルろぼさー畑に入る (Roboser Shuba joins the farm) 2:07:43 でオチは? (The end) 2:17:17 労働の権利を買うろぼさー達 (Robosers purchasing the right to work) おつろぼでした~これまた沼にハマる要素が深まりましたね・・・朝活のホロキュア待ってます!
It's still nice to see Roboco starting as Roboco in HoloCure after the update □ We get double the Roboco on screen! □
Otsurobo! Thanks for a fun HoloCure stream today after so long! I forgot how much fun this game was and it's great that you found another relaxing game to play during mornings!:_rbcLove: Some timestamps: 2:19 - Start□ 6:45 - Game start□ 9:42 - Visiting the HoloHouse and remembering she used to do alot of fishing:_rbcLove: 10:40 - Remembering she made walls with A chan:_rbcWww: 12:03 - Trying to get money (as herself)□ 13:33, 17:03, 18:05 - Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 19:10 - Gyaaa!:_rbcAaaaa: 24:24, 24:48, 25:10, 27:46 - More Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 27:59 - "Yamero!" :_rbcAaaaa: 30:10 - Gya... Gya... Gya... GyaGyaGyaGyaaa!:_rbcAaaaa: 31:00 - Roboco Warcry :_rbcAaaaa: 34:51 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 37:59 - :_rbcAaaaa: 1:02:50 - Fighting Smol Ame (1:03:03 And alot of screaming while doing so:_rbcAaaaa:) 1:05:24 - Gacha for gen 3 1:05:36 - :_rbcAaaaa: 1:07:16 - Gacha for gen 4 1:07:20 - so close to getting everyone again:_rbcWww: 1:08:13 - Gets Towa immediately afterwards anyway :_rbcNice::_rbcWww: 1:08:45 - :_rbcMinus100hp: (she did not get Flare to finish off gen 3 :_rbcWww:) 1:11:00 - Trying out Pekora□ 1:18:42 - Happy! :_rbcAaaaa: 1:27:38 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: (Dies from overconfidence :_rbcWww:) 1:28:51 - Gets Flare!:_rbcNice: 1:29:15 - Learning to farm□ 1:31:58 - Learning to recruit fans□ 1:35:10 - Learning to collect stone and wood□ 1:43:09, 1:43:56, 1:44:01 - Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 1:53:30 - Subaru joins the Robosa pen :_rbcWww: 1:58:29 - Entering the Casino...□ 1:59:24 - Blackjack time□ 2:02:01 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:02:27 - Roulette time (2:03:13 :_rbcAaaaa:ensues) 2:03:46 - :_rbcMinus100hp: 2:04:10 - :_rbcAaaaa:and :_rbcMinus100hp: 2:04:46 - High and Low time□ 2:05:50 - :_rbcAaaaa: 2:06:00 - Slots time□ 2:06:20 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:07:24 - Playing Rock Paper Scissors with Subaru□ 2:07:54 - Zenlossed thanks to Subaru:_rbcWww: 2:10:01 - Superchat/Membership Readings and Chatting, while she waits for her Robosa to get her coins□
Thank you for the stream! :_rbcLove: The Holocure update looks really fun! Lots of cool new stuff! :_rbcWow: Always glad to see you having fun with it! :_rbc888: Enjoy your evening! Love you, Roboco!!:_rbcLovee:
おつろぼでしたー! ロボ子さんの元で働ける神ゲーですわこれは
久々のホロキュアガチャ運結構よかったですね□ ミニゲームも沢山ですごい□
おつろぼでした! 癒されました
Thank you for the fun HoloCure stream, Roboco-san!
おつろぼでした~!:_rbcTea: Holo cure大型アプデ入ってやれること沢山増えましたね:_rbcYes: 3期生コンプもきたああ□
おつろぼ! 1:03:29 クリアおめでとう!🎉
おつろぼでしたー! アップデートが色々きた! ガチャ運良かったハッピー!:_rbcLovee: ロボ子さんのためならいっぱいはたらけ...る...:_rbcRobosa::_rbcLost:
おつろぼでした!!□ 初めてのスパチャ、読んでもらえたの嬉しすぎて、アーカイブリピートしまくってる…😂😂😂2:16:31 これを糧に、明日からも頑張ります…!!!:_rbcLovee::_rbcLovee::_rbcLovee:
This model is so cute
おつろぼでした!! これは時間が一瞬で溶けていくゲームだ 餌はまだですか?
ロボちゃん今日も配信ありがと🤖 ロボちゃんのためなら一生社畜でもええよ:_rbcRobosa: でもちゃんとご飯頂戴ね:_rbcLost::_rbcLost::_rbcLost: