
2:36 In case you’re wondering about the guy sticking out of the cannon, after the Qing recaptured Nanking (the Taiping’s capital), Hong’s ashes were blasted out of a cannon to deny him a permanent resting place as eternal punishment for his uprising.


It's also important to note there were like six other concurrent revolts going on in the Qing dynasty with the Taiping rebellion being the biggest of all happening during the middle of the 19th century . It's an absolute miracle the Qing dynasty managed to survive past the 19th century.


Apparently a lot of Christians were excited about the Taiping, visited Tianjing and realised they were literally insane.


It's insane how the Taiping Rebellion happened because a random guy failed an imperial examination and became convinced he was the son of God.


The Taiping rebellion also happens to be among the top 5 deadliest human conflicts. In case you're wondering about the other 4, 2 of them happen to be the world wars, and the remaining 2 were just 2 other chinese civil wars


Honestly astounding the Qing made it another fifty years after the absolute destruction and exhaustion of putting down the Taiping Rebellion, which was the deadliest war in history until the Second World War.


History Matters doesn't just give you answers. It first gives you a question and then gives you the answer. I love this bundle deal.


Barely anyone knew how to type back then, so a typing rebellion was just not possible.


The God-Worshipping Society believed the Manchus to be devils, so whenever they captured cities, as the video mentions, “a lot of murder tended to happen.”


"A man called Hong Xiuquan wanted to build a new China, which he would do by force."

Well he was a named figure in Chinese history, what else are they gonna do?


Hong Xiuquan: I flunked my entrance exam.
Failed Austrian Art Student: I feel ya, buddy.


Not-so-fun fact: During the Tang dynasty, Huang Chao, a guy that also failed the imperial examinations, ended up starting a rebellion in 875 and even became the emperor for sometime. That was the final straw for the Tang, who was barely able to DECISIVELY crush the An Lushan Rebellion and still was struggling to survive with wars, barbarian invasions, famines, corruption, bankrupt ... , resulting in the fall of the Tang in 907


It is probably worth mentioning that because of near constant famines in the nineteenth century, the Qing Dynasty was a revolving door of revolts. So it was probably hard for outsiders to take any one of the revolts more seriously than the others.


"In the name of The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit..."



I still find it astounding that the Taiping Rebellion, which is almost certainly the second deadliest war in human history after WWII, is almost entirely unheard of in the west because it was confined exclusively to China. I know a lot of history, and even I didn't learn about this until a year or two ago.


I did enjoy this episode. Thank you to the artist and his patrons!


Fun fact: many veterans of these Taiping rebels would eventually live long enough to see the 1911 revolution and many of them have told war stories to these revolutionaries when they were a child.


It's always fun to see somebody's reaction when you tell them the leader of a rebellion in China claimed to be the literal younger brother of Jesus 😂


Let's remember that in the Taiping rebellion died 20-30 million people. That's more than the amount of all the 19th century european conflicts combined, that counts the napoleonic wars, greek independence, 1830 rebellion, 1848 rebellions, crimean war, italian unification wars, german unification wars, franco prussian war and all the minor conflicts, independence's and rebellions. The amount is insane and wouldn't be surpassed by almost a hundred years with WW2 by amount killed considering millitary and civilian casualties.


Now THAT’S an Alternate History scenario you wanna see Harry Turtledove go absolutely apeshit with.