
Maddie is the victim. Not SS. Stop trying to paint SS as a victim, it’s sickening.


After I read the emails she been sent to SS I can’t feel any sympathy for this parents disgusting


Hiii ATS! In regard to the birthday party,  in Stephan’s interrogation, where he is arrested, the cop asks him, ‘did you go to the birthday party?’ He responds, ‘uhhh no! I was nnn…I was on my way up at that point. ‘ It sounds like he is about to say he wasn’t invited!
Love your show btw 🫶🏼


Lol I always giggle at the superimposed you at the desk there lol


I have a hard time trying to put myself in their shoes. I would be constantly blaming myself, wondering where did I go wrong and what signs did I miss.


I can’t believe she has the cheek to say he has “PTSD in jail” these woman has NO self awareness.


That whole family is dysfunctional.  And they had the sleeping arrangement dumped right into their laps and did nothing knowing it wouldn’t change their disgusting, lying son.  Ball Drop.


Hi Amber . I'm watching the replay. Hope all is well. Love you.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


It seems like mom and dad think everything would still be fine if Stephen hadn't gone to hang out with them the night of the party, as though their son hadn't been molesting that poor baby for years before that birthday.

They're still deluded.


What a great guy he brought animals home for his parents to pay for


I wish they would c'mon and get his trial started.


I see the problem here …the mom if you don’t see it then I don’t know


if i hear im time blind because of my ADHD, one more time. i know i have adhd somewhat, but if i ise it as an excuse for time blindness, i couldn’t go to work on time. I realize ADHD is real. but too many people seem to diagnose their own issues, when i believe we all have that to an extent. Some really have ADHD & need adjd medication, i understand that, but Ive never heard of so many time-blind people in one corner, just making excuses. Sorry, that’s what i observe, and when it comes to my daughter, and her going missing, i don’t care how time blind i really am, Id be trying to tell the cops all i knew & when i knew it.


Parents and SS completely disgusted 🤮


Kendall was his girlfriend his mother said in first police interview.he is just a bad seed


His parents talk about him as they are proud boasting parents. It is like they are trying to deflect by pointing out all of these random so called achievements or extraordinary circumstances involving SS or even claiming he has been a victim basically. Ugh


Regardless of whether she was or wasn’t pregnant, we don’t know if he thought she was.


I posted this elsewhere but here is my theory from what I observed, what has been self reported and reported by others- is that Debra was a harsh and controlling woman utilising emotional manipulation and prone to intense outbursts of anger - probably frightened Stephan as a child. 

His father is calm but is mentally and verbally manipulative. 
It seems he aspired to be seen as “better” in a social context and wanted for his son to be someone he could channel adoration and “respect” through  by being the father of a superbly career focused, financial success. 

This expectation was burdensome on Stephan who felt he couldn’t live up to it and probably realistically couldn’t - and he punished Stephan with open contempt. 

Probably the only time he felt concern from his parents on a genuine level was when he was run over 

I think they vacillated between coddling and “end of rope” type anger -resulting in harsher than necessary punishments vs an appropriate punishment with guidance of Stephan as a child. 

There was no room for error with his father and his mother would crumble to Stephans vulnerability and they both defended him to outsiders as an extension of self protection and image management of them as parents. 

There was no mentorship of parent to child in preparing him for independence, accountability etc in preparation for (what should have been) the inevitability of flying the nest. Just a cycle of expectation and denigration. 

All  this encouraged (by necessity) the path of over taking his parents in terms of sophistication in his manipulation.  

And from all these things results a man child who is afraid of real live adult women, and a comfort with children who cannot view him as a disappointment in the way women would. 

It’s more than just arrested development/ stunting of psychological growth it’s more than just being firmly stuck in that stage.  

He is stuck at forever 8 years old because it was at that stage that he found his power in seeking sympathy from his parents to manipulate to his advantage outgrowing the vulnerability and dependence on parents of his age - it was at that stage he mentally outgrew his parents. 

He is simultaneously stunted and mature in that moment. 
It happened way too prematurely so he is stuck in both regression and premature progression.


That speech is so fast cant hear 😂