
balatro seems like something Jonny would come up with in a bad ideas video


Jonny cursing this early in the short is crazy


Don't forget Pegi rating this game 18+ because of "gambling" while Fifa is rated 3+ despite having actual gambling mechanics.


i can quit anytime i want but mama aint raise no quitter


My favorite part is that the creator, LocalThunk, turned down every offer from Casinos to use Balatro’s gameplay in their Casinos and wrote into his will that it will never be allowed to go to Casinos. He knew how addicting it was


Fun fact: casinos tried to buy the right to balatro for gambling!


I did not expect to hear Jonny swear in a video


gambling but no gambling


“ Choo Choo mfers” felt personal


"Well Choo Choo Motherf*cker you're hoping on!"

Great quote


The editor actually choosing to listen to Jonny and not troll.


“well then choo choo motherfucker”
Bro had me dying within the first 10 seconds


Not to mention that Balatro has FREE collabs with other games to replace the face card art. Such as:

Among Us
Cult of the Lamb
Binding of Isaac
Divinity Original Sin 2
The Witcher
Cyberpunk 2077
Don’t Starve
Shovel Knight
Slay the Spire
Vampire Survivors 
Potion Craft
Enter the Gungeon
Dave the Diver
Stardew Valley


That feeling when 161 of clubs


Just failed a purple stake. Screw you balatro


"well choo choo motherf!cker your hopping on!" HOLY SHIT THATS SO FUNNY!


Everyone after playing Balatro:
"This is amazing I have 100 hours and I need to stop. "


"Bad video game idea! Poker 2. I- It's Poker 2. It'll have all of the same hands, you know; your pairs, flushes, straights. But make it a roguelike. You'll be put through different blinds and antes, with like a boss at the end of every ante, and for each blind you beat you get money that you can use for different jokers which have many different effects. Some give you chips, some multiply your chips, some multiply your multipliers. Along with a few other Spicy ones that'll be sprinkled in there. It'll also have Za Warudo, screw it"


The creator of the game had to patent the game mechanics and make it so no casino or gambling establishment can use it, because it’s THAT addictive


Gambling if gambling didn’t suck