1:48:09 ホロ最速からの「GAME OVER」と映る表情で爆笑してしまったw
1:50:05 かわいい:_rbcLove::_rbcLove:
くしゃみ助かる 55:45
What an impressive high spec robot. That's the quickest death I have seen!
Otsurobo! Thanks for another fun stream! Always fun to see Roboco being □ and unfamiliar with new games! :_rbcLove: Hope you rest well and hope your throat gets better soon!:_rbcPienn: Some Timestamps: 4:06 - Blessed Wheezing and Showing her □ T-shirt 7:12 - Roboco Attempt 1 (□RTA lol) 9:00 - Attempt 2 10:36 - Attemp 3 (Starting to understand how to play the game:_rbcNice:) 13:21 - :_rbcOmg: 21:18 - Attempt 4 33:28 - Sasuga Roboco's Gacha luck□ 35:50 - Attempt 5 47:58 - Attempt 6 48:19 - □ 51:12 - Blessed Sneeze!:_rbcLove: 53:39 - □ 55:47 - More Blessed Sneezing! :_rbcLove:(3 times) 56:17 - Even More Blessed Sneeze!:_rbcLove: 59:19 - Nice escape (and some Blessed Laughter!:_rbcLove:) 59:56 - :_rbcOmg::_rbcOmg::_rbcOmg: 1:01:00 - Attempt 7 (and trying a new character) 1:03:38 - Using the Pigeon for the first time (because it reminds her of Subaru lol) 1:09:24 - got killed so hard Roboco's outfit changed:_rbcAaaaa: 1:09:54 - Attempt 8 (And trying another character) 1:21:57 - Attempt 9 (and yet again trying another character) 1:32:31 - Roboco being cute□ 1:37:24 - Attempt 10 (and starting a new stage, and Roboco vibing to the new BGM for abit) 1:45:59 - :_rbcOmg: 1:48:03 - Final Attempt! (□RTA part 2 lol) 1:50:04 - Part C :_rbcLove:(So cute lol)
おつろぼでした〜! 慣れてからすごい楽しそうでやりたくなってしまう□
20 seconds, that's a record
おつろぼでした😊 次こそクリアできるはず:_rbcShirohata::_rbcGuruguru:
おつろぼでしたー! 最後の10秒爆速過ぎて吹いたw
おつろぼでした! 10秒…なんて速さなんだ…!
love her streams. nice if she does well in a game but mostly just hope she has fun & get more people to watch.
13:21 Roboco's AAAAH MY GAAAAAHD is so adorable, motto kawaii, Roboco-san <3 Edit: Oh my god this stream is littered in adorable bits of English, it's SO CUTE.
Thank you for the awesome vampire slaying stream, Roboco-san!
GJ Robocco! You'll get it someday!
Roboco-san become vampire slayer that pretty cool! (Miss few stream but still come back) Thank for fun stream tonight