Did he said girlfriend?, His new years resolution is finaly fullfilled
Enjoy the left audio as a treat
Damn jonny has rizz now? Girlfriend lore???
“Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games, or unlimited games but no games?”
Can't believe Stan Pines sells unlimited games
you can tell nobody watched the rumble pack podcast where he said that he finally got a girlfriend
0:15 They had unlimited games, but no games
Left ear gaming
0:39 I, a non Kirby fan, have played Kirby’s epic yarn and it is one of my favorite games ever made
Johnny called himself a fake fan immediately after calls Anna a fake fan
Jonny being a fake Kirby fan and Anna being a fake shadow fan was not something i expected
Kirby’s epic yarn and Kirby’s return to dreamland were the first two Kirby games I even got but even after playing a lot of other ones, they’re still my favorites
My left ear is enjoying the sound of the voice
The Gaming Stop Idk why but I'm thinking of that when he mentions it.
Is the sound broken for anyone else? Like all I can hear it the music?
“Cuz we, cuz we-“ 🐧 Jonny Razer - 2025
Would you rather have unlimited games but no bacon, or games, unlimited games, but no games?
“Shake it”-Jonny razer