
Hey girl. I don’t want to be the person to tell you what to do with your health, because you know best. But I’m in nursing school, and magnesium citrate is a medication in a class called Saline Laxatives. It’s not recommended to take them very often because they can make your bowels dependent on the medication for relief, which is not a good thing. Just don’t forget to do your research and advocate for your health/ body, doctors can be wrong sometimes! Best of luck.


Please girl, keep posting here, its my relaxing-while-eating-alone time 🥺


Yayyy you postedd!!! I missed all your videoss!!! The new kitchen looks amazing! I love it so much!! when everything's finished, you definitely have to give us a little in-depth tour! Love youu!!! 💗💗


girl is that your new kitchen!?! because it looks SOO CUTE WHAT??


I love you and all your videos!!! Your personality is so pure!


It's actually insane how similar our faves and loves. You are probably my number one source for holy grails and good products. If KD says to try a product, I'll try it out. Trust.


GIRLLL i missed you so much I literally checked your youtube page earlier today <3


It made me so happy to see that you posted!!


Heey so nice you are back. You always have the cutest slick backs! Pls do a tut, it would be a lifesaver!!:)


jumpscare with that lethal face  card oh my god ❤


hey, I love your videos, and you have helped me so much with my curly hair. I was wondering if you could post a video on perfume and fragrances and how to smell good? ❤


love learning that you have celiac too! would love all your gf preferences/reccomendations <3


YAY I love ur videos ❤❤ You are the most kindest and beautiful-ist person I have ever seen girlie! You helped me so much with my curly hair routine❤ This video is so helpful . You look so pretty in this vid! Love u girlieeee ❤


I looked up your channel last night to see if you had any new videos! So glad you’re back!




I love your energy 🩷


❤❤your make up is amazing


We love you Kiana!!!!🥰🫶🏼


I recommend tower 28's moisturizer! I haven't tried rhode's yet to compare but its on my list. ❤


yayayay I love your videos!! I’m so happy you posted!