
08:23 The Gundam Mk-II in ZZ Gundam is Unit 3 (not Unit 1)
11:47 Again Unit 3 (not Unit 1)


Whenever Banagher gets a new Mobile Suit, he subtly glances at the Beam Magnum and goes "So hear me out..."


Honestly, I can't fault Banagher for keeping the Beam Magnum. That weapon's deadly, especially the way it sounds after you pull the trigger.


lmao; Bad-Badger's need to use the Unicorn's beam magnum is the most wholesome love story of the whole series.


Banagher's insistence on using the continuing to use the Beam Magnum is honestly inspiring. Which I'm fine with, the Beam Magnum is my favorite Gundam Weapons.


The fact that Yazan got more combat flight time in the Mk II than Jerid is hilarious. Thanks for the video.


The Mk. II never dissappoints, neither the modelkits nor the story involvement.


Honestly I think it made more sense for Banagher to pilot the Silver Bullet Suppressor instead of that modified Gundam MK-II. While Gundam NT wasn't a great movie, one of the things I did like was Banagher's use of a modified Silver Bullet to allow him to fire the Beam Magnum multiple times, rather than somehow acquiring a modified Gundam Mk-II. The Mineva Faction Banagher is working for doesn't have access to mobile suit R&D or manufacturing, and the Unicorn Gundam is way too high-profile of a machine to be used in their operations, so they're saving it in storage for emergencies only. However, since they're based in the former Vist Foundation's Magallanica, they would have access to the Vist Foundation's resources, which would include Silver Bullets. Silver Bullets should be designed to be modified since the Vist Foundation had been using them as testbeds for new technologies, and since the Silver Bullets' arms also function as Incoms, it'd be reasonable to assume the Vist Foundation would have a lot of spare Silver Bullet arms on hand to speed up maintenance and replace any damaged components between tests. The Silver Bullet Suppressor is intended to be a long range fire support MS that is only meant to be used in scenarios that require heavy firepower. The Beam Magnum itself offers insanely potent firepower in a small package, which makes it easy to transport without drawing too much attention. This makes the Silver Bullet Suppressor the perfect machine to meet the needs of Banagher and the Mineva Faction, and the logistics of how he'd acquire this machine come together a lot more smoothly than however he acquired that Gundam Mk-II and the modifications process that was done to it.


Banagher in the beginning: "it's too strong i can't use it 😢"

Banagher later: So hear me out..."


It was a shock to learn that one of the Mk.2 ended up in the junkyard in Shangri-La in Kikka's manga. Since you didn't bring that up, I assume you did not know this fact. Chapter 5 of the Pulitzer manga.


Earth Federation: Banagher, you gotta let go of the Beam Magnum.
Banagher: You can have this when you pry it from my cold dead hands, even then good luck cause i would have glued it to my cold dead hands.


who is chasing Quattro at the beginning i always assumed that was Jerid. SO glad to see it brought up. Jerid jumping from unit to unit, i used to assume unit 1 was Jerid for years. like maybe they all tested each unit, for repairs idk. I even assumed UNit 1 was meant to be 3 the whole time IE leading to the later crash, but maybe he just hopped from one to the other.


So now we can add Magnum-chan to the list of Gundam weapons that their pilots love a bit too much.


I love UC lore.  It's a crammed bookshelf that they just keep squeezing new little things into.


There was a fourth test pilot, Dava Balo, who appeared and was named in the episode Emma's Decision. He gets knocked out fof his troubles when Emma defects.

I'd say he is the strongest candidate for the episode 1 Mark II pilot.


Also given that the hg, rg, mg, and pg Gundam mk iis are some of the most reliable of their grades, it adds on to the mk ii’s overall great history


I’d like to assume parts from a Mk. II were used for the tristan, mostly because of slightly vague visual similarities in the backpack and shoulders, and because the Alex was supposedly fixed by SNRI in 0084 using materials from the Titans.


"banagher, for this covert operation, we need you to pilot this old GM model"
"sure, can i bring the beam magnum?"


Man, hearing about Asuna Elmarit after so many years reminded me of how much I wanted to get a Le Cygne model kit. It's really annoying that École du Ciel ended in a permanent limbo, and that its characters and MS never get featured in any game.


This back and forth between infographics and webcam view (with the occasional picture-in-picture of something) is actually a really good format, imo. I think this is something you should do for really all your future lore content. Great stuff overall.