
your channel is my favorite jp learning channel. please keep doing this you're blessing me with every single new videos🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣




This is brilliant. The translation is exact. And there's hiragana for the reading of Kanji. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this. 
And, please, continue.


Great video material for a Japanese learning beginner, thank you! It's really helpful🎉


Thanks Fumi sensei for your kind efforts over us you are one of the greatest sensei of the world 😊


Love your videos, for the beautiful voice, visual images, and cultural contents. Thank you!


I'm so gratefull found this kind of video. Thanks for helping me learn nihongo😆😆


These videos are so useful to improve listening skills! I'm watching every day one of them, first without subtitles, next with spanish subtitles, and at last again without subtitles. I learn some few words with each of them 😊


it is so good to find this channel. with the help of this channel, one day, I hope to be a good Japanese speaker :hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving: ありがとうございます.


Спасибо за видео❤ японский начала учить недавно, на слух тяжело воспринимать, но некоторые слова я понимала в видео ♥️. Пересмотрю все ваши видео. Япония моя любовь.




The language does sound wonderful.
Thanks for your effort.😊


Nice new video Fumi-sensei! I love the way Japanese blended the old and the new cultures, it's truly something else indeed. 😊😊😊




Thanks! Your videos are amazing!!!😊


このフォーマットが大大大好き ⭐


서울에 사는 구독자입니다..  다음주에 가나자와에 놀러갑니다. ~ 이걸 미리 보니 반갑네요.


I’m so grateful for your channel! Thank you very much!!!❤ it’s morning and I’m listening to this while having my breakfast.😊


Yet another wonderful video thank you so much :D and a very interessting place to possibly visit, although it did seem very buzy, the buildings were wonderful

