
Watch Chuck Norris's method by going to: https://www.chuckdefense.com/Jimmy


We are slaves, ruled by gangsters. Nothing more


Defending USAID is like, "I know the guy is a rapist murderer but he gave an ice cream to his victims before stealing and killing them"


Name 1 law that our lawmakers have made in the last 20 years that benefit American citizens we are being taxed without Representation


nobody doubted it for a second, he has to listen to pentagon/blackrock, like any other 'president'


It was so obvious that he would never cut the defense spending.


We could eliminate $ TRILLIONS of waste by closing all our military bases out of the country.


Trump didn't cave; he played his part!


If the good stuff lasted six months, and the bad stuff is measured in decades, there wasn't any good stuff.


The uni-party won AGAIN!!


“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 
Woodrow Wilson


The fact we still give money to people who have actively committed acts of war against us is beyond me.


The swamp drained the Trump.


I mean trump supports Israel of course he was never going to cut defense spending


Social Welfare - BAD
Corporate Welfare - GOOD


What fools and jackasses thought he wouldn't?


ALL SPENDING on any military in all countries is a waste. Total all that money up and we could have turned this planet into a Garden of Eden Years ago.


Instead of draining the swamp he just jumped right in


Thomas Massie 2028!!!! if trump really cares about JD Vances chances......he better do what he promised.
