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-I film for the company who are proud of showing how their products are made.
-팩토리몬은 제품에 자신있는 소상공인 분들과 중소기업을 대상으로 무료촬영을 진행합니다.

Copyrightⓒ 2021. Factory Monster. All Rights Reserved.


The slow-motion of the weave machine was nice, but I like 6:10 the best.  It's artistic, and you captured a small moment of beauty in a factory setting.  Finding beauty in the industrial plus your humor is my favorite.
I hope you are doing well "over there".  Thank you from North Carolina, US.


Wow, I never realized the intricate process behind making shading nets! The way they handle the plastic and weave the threads so precisely is mesmerizing 😲. Did anyone else get hooked on the ballooning part at 1:07? It looks almost magical! 🎈


I can't even imagine how the machine was started. How these threads were pulled the first time it was started😮


Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up


Nice video and top editing!
My german uncle installed and serviced from 1965 till 2000 such weaving machines, mainly on taiwan for textile, but also this kind. Amazing ingeninuity


Imagine those thousands of parts all coordinated together to produce each row. Impressive!


You did a very good job filming. Thanks!


I liked the slow motion of the weaving machine (~4:09) the best, but all of it was great!  Thanks!


Excellent job. Thanks for sharing this with us.


중간에 꾹꾹 밟는거 기엽


Interesting and enjoyable.




김이 이렇게 만들어지는 거구나...


I wonder how long the startup process takes?


These videos fascinate me. So many questions: How did a company decide there was enough demand for that product to dedicate an entire factory to it? How long did that factory take to be constructed? How old is it? Who made all those intricate machines? How did they design the different steps, is there a standard since weaving has been around for so long? How long does it take to "debug" the system to function reliably (I can't imagine!)? How long does it take to restart/reload the whole system? Does it run 24/7? How much maintenance is required - what's the expected "up time" over a year? What happens when an obscure part breaks or gets worn out? Again, are there really enough customers for those types of tarps to make the factory profitable? 

Great video!


Best part was 6:28 because the worker is writing with the left hand! 👍
How do you say someone is left-handed in Korean?




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