
Subscribe or I'll have Disney make another Indy movie with a 90+ year old Harrison Ford.


This video is an example of why you should wait til the game is out before throwing shade. It's basically universally loved.


Lol...this didn't age well. Nothing less than 9s EVERYWHERE 😂😂😂


Indiana Jones and the "look for something to bonk someone over the head with" stealth adventure


Luke invented scepticism. Truly a pioneer.


Bold prediction: IGN will give it a 7/10


Why is this game not in third person is beyond me


locked 60 on X and s ign gave it a 9/10 87 meta atm


As a stealth action gamer we are starving out here. MGSV still feels like the current standard for fun/fair/engaging ai to fight/interact with.


I think a skeptical look is how everyone is looking at this title.


I really don’t understand the negativity around this game. This looks like the legit perfect Indiana jones game. If you don’t like the character that’s fine but I don’t understand how you can’t see how well this game encapsulates him. The vibe, the type of action, the characters, the art style/directing style, etc. it’s all perfect and I’m 1000000% more hype for this than I would of been for another fps shooter. I just think that style has really grown stale. I loved their wolfenstiens and doom 2016 but I get nothing out of them on return playthroughs and couldn’t even finish Eternal. This is fresh and different from any other game like this. They’re actually expanding the fps genre and doing something new. This is way more intriguing than them just copying the game that copied them (uncharted.) I hope people actually give it a chance. This comment section worries me


Hot take this game not being in third person is fine but everyone trying to defend legit criticisms by whining about it being compared to other bigger and better games is stupid.


Just here to say I misread the title as “A spherical look at Indiana Jones and the Great Circle”


I have to agree, but the main problem is IMHO a completely different one: Indy is the wrong franchise for a stealth game. Crawling around and hitting enemies with a stick is simply the wrong gameplay for an Indiana Jones game.


Bet he won't make a video about it now because it's done well. Hahahah.


This video aged like sour milk


Why are people mad we wanna actually see Indiana jones third person in an Indiana jones game 😂 who cares if it’s compared to uncharted or tomb raider the traversal is third person anyways so it’s gonna be compared regardless


Awfully quiet now 😊


Why do this when you havent even played or isnt out yet? Stupid. Luke loves to shit talk games. Dont play if you cant be positive


For the last quarter of the video I could not unsee Todd as biding his time to perform a silent take down on Luke in the background.