@dannyboy91191 I agree, The Original Japanese version of the Shogun Megazord is worth buying because the American version had a pink one.
No diecast that I could see...but it has a ton of gold "chrome" and excellent plastic. -Still cool ;)
Thanks, very nice newer combo of old skool Godsigma, and Godmars. Is there diecast in that Japanese version? The colors are definitely better than the US version.
@castlevamp I say they should have the called the Shogunzords by the animals their heads are based off of rather than color. The pink ranger always gets a white zord anyways. But the two megazords in MMPR season 3 are for the core five team while the White Ranger gets the Falconzord which could either combine with one of the two.
with the chrome and all the detailed looks, id say the japanise do a better job at making toys then the us sometimes. !^_^!
they could fit in the pink ranger as the midsection or have the red one as the mid section and the white as the head
ebay. ebay ebay :) That is where I saw the last few for sale. Good luck :)
that a cool ass shogun megazord i miss toys like this toys now suck ass !!!
@edwardt28 The Shogun Megazord from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 looks like Muteki Shogun from the 1994 Super Sentai Series Ninja Sentai Kakuranger in 1994 thought Ninja White's mecha is not pink. Don't you agree?
why does this version have a white arm and not a pink one
wtf? i my cousin (his 30s now) has this at his mothers house (my aunt's) and my little brother plays with it all the time....
I'm actually making an offer for this toy on ebay (the japanease release of the shogun megazord)
cuz in america they changed it...this is the japanese verison
@repairitagain seen one (american) 99p :P