HIGHLIGHT 1:15 サブリミナルロボ子さん (Subliminal Roboco) 4:05 ちょこ先生といちゃいちゃコントした話 (Roboco and Choco had fun earlier talk) 1:03:45 ろぼさーの家をなんとしても守りたい (Wants to save Robosers' house) 1:40:41 「どうしてホロライブに入ったの?」(”Why did you decide to join hololive?") 久々の実家配信おつろぼ~ たくさんのゾンビも来客して・・・賑やかでしたね! ロボ子さんの歌がきっかけでホロメンが増えるのだと思うと感慨深いですわね・・・
Otsurobo! Thanks for another fun Plants Vs Zombies stream today! It was great seeing Roboco relearning the game again and having fun today as well! Congrats again on clearing the game again!:_rbcLove: Some Timestamps: 1:16 - Roboco □:_rbcWww: 2:02 - Start□ 7:07 - Roboco villager noises:_rbcWww: 8:37 - Zen garden time□ 12:10 - Cute Roboco english noises:_rbcLove: 15:04 - Stage 5,9 Start□ 15:46 - Putting down Peashooter... □(16:32 finally noticing that her Peashooters are not doing anything :_rbcWww:) 17:52 - Roboco Noises:_rbcLove: 22:13 - Attempt 2 26:41 - Roboco Noises:_rbcLove: 35:48 - Attempt 3 44:53 - Roboco Noises:_rbcLove: 52:04 - Attempt 4 (but she restarts because she wants "potato", aka the small nut) 53:27 - Attempt 4 for real (she chooses to not use the "potatoes" :_rbcWww:) 58:49 - Roboco wanting Potato :_rbcWww: 1:02:58 - Attempt 5 (1:03:26 □:_rbcWww:) 1:03:46 - Attempt 5 for real 1:12:44 - Heated battle with Gargantuor :_rbcAaaaa: 1:17:34 - Blessed Roboco English:_rbcLove: (Struggling to read cursive :_rbcWww:) 1:19:05 - Blessed Roboco English part 2:_rbcLove: 1:19:58 - Boss time!□ 1:24:23 - Roboco Noises:_rbcLove: 1:26:49 - Pain Robo:_rbcPienn: 1:27:17 - Pain Robo :_rbcAaaaa:(1:27:32 adding insult to injury :_rbcWww:) 1:29:31 - Blessed Roboco English part 3!:_rbcLove: 1:29:54 - Vibing Roboco time!:_rbcLove:□ 1:37:26 - Roboco noises and After Game chatting:_rbcWww:□ 1:41:09 - Blessed Roboco Yawn!:_rbcLove: 1:43:22 - Superchat/Membership Readings start□ 2:02:22 - Cute Roboco singing□
おつろぼ! 菓子は1g違うだけで全然仕上がり変わるからなぁ:_rbcWow: バターが入る=加熱すると溶ける訳なのでセルクルのサイズに注意しないとだ□ 1:41:08 欠伸可愛くて:_rbcLove:
I could just listen to her voice till i fall asleep.
プラゾンおつろぼでしたー! 2周目クリアおめでとう!□□ チルい...様に思ったけど結構叫びが多くてびっくりびっくり:_rbcAaaaa:
このゲームとロボ子さんの相性良すぎて好き クリアおめでとうございます!!
おつろぼ~でした:_rbcTea: クリアおめでとうございます。□ やはり火力こそ正義:_rbcMinus100hp::_rbcMinus100hp:
Otsurobo! Congrats on beating Plants vs. Zombies □ Roboco's reactions are super cute :_rbcLovee:
Roboco, we just got to try this mod in Plants vs Zombies DLC edition.
なんか久々な気がするろぼちゃんに、これまた久々なチルいゲームぷらぞん 最初から最後までチルいままで終われました~めっちゃリラックスできたのでそのまま眠れそうです~:_rbcTea:💤 今日もありがとうねぇろぼちゃん:_rbcTea::_rbcTea::_rbcTea:おやろぼ~♪□:_rbcLove::_rbcLove::_rbcLove:
久々のぷらぞんおつろぼー 屋根ステージ難しかったけど最終的にクリア:_rbcNice:
深夜ゲーム配信おつろぼでした~!:_rbcLove: おやすみ~:_rbcZzz:
Thank you for the stream! :_rbcLove: I'll have to watch when I get home, because I'm at work during it...□ Looking forward to all the upcoming streams!□ Have a good night! Love you, Roboco! :_rbcLovee:
配信お疲れ様でした〜。 めちゃ楽しかったよ:_rbcLovee:
おつろぼでしたー! 2周目クリアおめでとうございます!
おつろぼー!!!! ロボ子さん…わいの家…どこ…?