
the hype is so real. such a well made character from the legend muno. thanks for watching! sorry the vid was delayed for 3 weeks heh
check out more characters here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPBVb36G1PK3uAUv50UqeQUHuNNlcJevo
new vids coming super soon :)))


"theres no crazy references with these"
proceeds to show: blue, red, green, chosen one, 2nd coming, king, purple, and gold


Listen. The pig is one of the most important parts in Animation vs Minecraft


This was released faster than I expected, and Muno did an amazing job to even catch AvG’s attention as well!


Dude there’s something you need to try out. Put yellow’s cpu on lvl 9, color orange, and map the bastion (the one that comes with the mod) it will trigger a custom bossfight


the taunt is interactive with the background characters in this mod's stage which you didn't include.
there's also a boss fight .


hi !!!!!

it was really fun watching you figure out the cobblestone stuff!!


12:17 A literal command grab.


Props to Muno for making this character completely accurate and not to overpowered but still good


When he respawns, he spawns in barrier blocks its easy to miss it, its a cool deatail, i loved it


Petition to make linklight to use practice mode instead of versus
also do staff down-special then use normal down-special
i wont spoil it but lets say that everything interacts with everything else
also side-tilt is a 2-hit move and on the second one you can aim it up/down with movement inputs


Missed opportunity to have the title be Animation Vs Rivals of Aether


Muno is one of the coolest modders in the community, amazing work!


Loved the vid, few things you maybe missed out on, or didnt really go over, for anyone else thats curious in the comments
- Most of what I'm bouta say below can be found on the in-game Muno-phone you can get in training mode while playing as Yellow, and down-taunting, along with frame data, and chests to make the staff endless for testing
- F-tilt has a second hit to it with attack, which also can be tilted up or down or just left forward, personally f-tilts upward second is really good for jab combos
- Staff F-smash gets more arrows the longer you hold it, but the swing speed stays the same, making it easier to hit to longer you charge it
- Staff Up-smash hits to top blast zone, self explanatory, really good
- Up-specials backthrow spikes at a nasty downward 45 degree angle behind you, basically a counter-ledge guard, it was used in the trailer for the character
Staff down-special combos with other attacks to make the TNT easier to use, staff side special can grab the TNT and make it explode quicker where you want it to,, staff aerials redstone blocks insta explodes it as well, and normal down-specials minecart can pick it up and carry it to insta explode on hit
- You can toggle on and off the staff at literally any time, even mid-attacks so that your next ones will be with/without it
- Staff up-special has a short window at its end where you can attack with any aerials, even none-staff ones if you toggle it off mid up-special, still go into free-fall afterwards though
- Down-smash goes higher the longer you charge it for, similar to the tree growing taller
- Almost all the attacks and specials are based off the actual animations from somewhere, mostly cause Muno made the character after binging all of Alan Beckers content, the tree up-smash reference being the oldest, as its from the very first MC vs Animation trilogy


Every move is a reference to one of the show episodes.


if you wanna know the taunt has a secret, when you taunt at the AvG map (that you didn't show) the others stickman will taunt you back :)


You forgot to check out the Boss that comes with the mod, there's a hidden "King Orange" boss you can do!


This character is synced through a stage that I belive should also be in the workshop page description you probably should have checked out.


I personally love the animated vs Minecraft series I’ve watched everything and js to see one of my favorite episodes get animated by a great moderator into a great game puts a smile on my face ! W munooo!!


yo, when showcasing attacks, you can press select/minus/backspace to enable frame advance instead of pausing, it lets you look at the game frame by frame