八王子pの曲は「絶対にいい曲」という保証が付いている! この曲も最高だ!
やっぱり八王子Pがナンバーワン 毎日聞いてます
You have no idea how badly I needed a song like this in my life right now!
Oh, this is so awesome! Wish there was a PV for this song
Nicely done, love the melody <3
If only 八王子P could include this into an album, I will be so satisfy then. This sing is just too good!!
whoa! This sounds cool!
First time see Gumi in long hair! =D
Ahhh~ This is soooo good~ Hope to see you come back to Hawaii's Kawaii-Kon soon!
Amazing song!
After listening to this song for, hmm, around 10 times, I suddenly noticed that the sparkly stars only appear after 0:57 or so. Great attention to detail. I certainly wasn't too distracted by Gumi herself to notice that earlier, no siree.
HachiojiP one of my favourite vocaloid DJ x3 great jobb !!!! hope you come to Malaysia again !! ( although i waited for already many years >< )