
The same happened to me the lady typed her own thing in and put it down as Star Wars comics lolll  and I payed 9.97for each I bought 3


At my local Kohlโ€™s there were like 10 of these sets on shelf; And the people working there did not care when I bought one.


The lady at mine was 17 probably not caring about being an employee and watching tik tok so she asked witch one and i told her 501st troopers ๐Ÿ˜…


same happened to me it was going to be one of my Christmas presents so yeah, it's because they released the set to early in fact so many people at my Walmart tried to buy it so they took it off all of the selves so no one could buy it.


My Walmart Wasn't Able To Sell Me The New Battle Pack When I Saw It Because It Apparently Didn't Exist In The Walmarts History ๐Ÿ˜”


My little bro was able to get two no problem at target ๐Ÿ˜‚


This Lego is now in my bucket listโ€ฆ awesome


Hi Daley love the new logo


This happened to me. One day I went they had all of their legos out early. But at the time I didnโ€™t have my wallet. So I came back on Christmas Eve to get some and then t try evowrkers had taken them all back into the back. The only thing left was the new cmf mini figure pack coming out in 2024. This was the only one. I go to check out then the machine said I needed assistance approval. Then the lady came over and looked into it and then took it from me and said I canโ€™t sell this to you.


Iโ€™ll try to get one today Iโ€™ll update you if I could get it or not


I bought 3 of the droid/ clone battle packs today


I tried to get a LEGO set 1 hour before it released and Walmart didn't let me


sup daleystuds


Please someone agree that this guy sounds like operator drewski


lol rekt




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