
They had fun filming there visual magic as most Fan Film Groups do, bless every group who does there thing and shares there films


I'm not even a Trekkie, but this is now one of my favorite harlem shakes. This was awesome.


LOL Thanks, it was a blast! As Mr. Spock says "Live Long and DANCE"


I loved it. Putting this on pinterest.


Yessir brother Scott! 


That is some extremely delicate and valuable Federation equipment we are dealing with.  I promise you we are all super fly and totally hip. :)




Achievement unlocked: hide in plain sight. \m/


I like to picture that the helmsmen is mindlessly blowing up other federation ships.


Cute :)


I see me.


...I think there needed to be some tribbles thrown about...


What?  no Zack Scott in a Kyle Roberts video?


What is this talk about Oklahoma 

Ps. i live there :P


Needs more Zack Spock.


Was the kid with the cowboy hat intentionally Sparks McGee or was that just a coincidence?


It looks really timid for a harlem shake.