Otsurobo! Thanks for a fun Valorant collab stream today! Always great to seeing everyone having fun playing, even if it's not comp games!:_rbcLove: Some timestamps: 2:10 - Start□ 4:22 - Doing a Team Deathmatch (TDM) warm up 6:39 - :_rbcAaaaa: 8:14 - :_rbcMinus100hp: 12:56 - Practicing in the firing Range 17:16 - Another TDM warm up 23:52 - :_rbcAaaaa: 27:01 - Joins the call with La+ and Ojou!:_rbcLove: 32:32 - Showing the objectives for today's stream □(chance for people to win some Valo Socks it seems) 40:06 - Game 1□ (Unrated, cause they can't queue for comp as the 3 of them) 55:53 - Roboco, Ayame and Laplus just lining up for the enemy :_rbcWww:(Blessed Laughter ensues:_rbcLove:) 1:00:00 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 1:04:27 - □aim :_rbcWww: 1:05:05, 1:16:59 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 1:20:55 - Game 2□ (And Blessed Ayame giggles! :_rbcLove:) 1:29:03, 1:35:13, 1:40:28 - :_rbcAaaaa: 1:41:42 - Gyaaa :_rbcAaaaa: 2:07:00 - Game 3□ 2:08:23 - Ojou Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:08:30 - :_rbcAaaaa: 2:17:34 - Angry Ojou :_rbcLove: 2:20:31 - :_rbcAaaaa: 2:21:58 - Nice Try Roboco :_rbcWww: 2:22:39 - :_rbcMinus100hp: 2:30:40 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:30:55 - Ojou Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:36:16 - :_rbcMinus100hp: 2:37:42 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:44:27 - :_rbcMinus100hp:and Pain Robo:_rbcPienn: 2:54:15 - Game 4□ (Swiftplay) 2:56:10 - Ojou Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 3:11:17 - Game 5□ (TDM) 3:11:46 - Angry Ojou!:_rbcLove: 3:13:44 - Bau Bau intensifies:_rbcLove: 3:14:11 - :_rbcAaaaa:
The dynamic between Laplus, Ayame, and Roboco is really fun!! Ayame's giggles and Laplus's unique laughs, along with Roboco's cuteness overload was too good. :_rbcLovee:
Thank you for the fun and laughs in the Valorant collaboration stream with Ayame-chan and Laplus-chan, Roboco-san!
Nice Kodomo !
おつろぼでした~:_rbcTea: 三人とも楽しんでて最高だった!子供たちニキもナイスファイトw:_rbcNice: そしてストレートで任務達成□
おつろぼでした! ミッションコンプリート!ナイスこどもたち!!
おつろぼでしたー! 割とあっさりミッションクリア出来て驚いた!:_rbcWow: 3人とも楽しそうで見てるこっちも楽しかった!ナイスコドモタチー
It was really fun! I love RBC playing valoran!
正直ヴァルラントのルールとか良くわかってないのですが ロボちゃんが楽しく配信してる姿を見れるだけで、とても幸せですッ ロボちゃん、いつもありがとう!🤖
おつろぼ~ ミッションクリアおめでとう!□□
おつろぼ!!めっちゃ面白かった!w ミッションクリアおめでとう!
おつろぼでしたー ミッションクリアおめでとう!
おつろぼでしたー!!! 雰囲気最高でめっちゃ笑えた!!!!