
air sprites give 4 shocks, have this entire chapter if shocks are 100% needed an air sprite can get you them relitively fast, and emoting can get you out of the animation.


3:29 The mouthing with the cybertruck made me laugh hard


3 things in life that are certain..death, taxes, and using code sliinky in the item shop


Air sprites in shrines always give you 4 shockwaves now


People are really committed to the bats on end game. True comedy


That sucks man. I heard that bat charge and knew it was Joever

Also I've never seen that Adrenaline boon before. That was crazy. Gonna have to remember that one next time I survive a vault break in


It’s an honor to play against you. It’s just why am I playing against you? You were top like thousand last season I was barely in the gold. I think our skill base matchmaking is the same.




i love you slink but please pick up the ammo  im losing my ever loving mind


Slinky got Sammy Sosa’d bro like what was that in the endgame and why did u not immediately go down for that chug jug bro. Anyway it happens to the best of us 😂


Slink idk if you know but the sniper rifle wrecks cars. It has a knock back effect on them also.


also it seems like you weren't using it so btw wall kicking is another good alternative to mantling to activate the adrenaline boon since it preserves your momentum better


Are you scared of air sprites or something? Return them to their mommies and the Air Mommy will give u shocks bro




Love watching you but you always complain about not having ammo yet you don’t ever loot, and when you kill someone you always just leave the ammo


Dude talks with barely any emotion lol


Play solo squads plss