Otsurobo! Thanks for another fun Resident Evil stream! Once again, it was great to see Roboco being PON and screaming her heart out playing this game again! Looking forward to the next one as well!:_rbcLove: Some Timestamps: 1:54 - Start□ 6:38 - Game Start□ 14:46 - Ear Blessing Panik! :_rbcAaaaa: 16:56 - Gets the grenade launcher!:_rbcNice: 19:34 - Ear Blessing Panik! :_rbcAaaaa: 21:39, 28:05, 29:06, 29:39, 29:57 - Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: (Yeah, I dunno what Roboco is screaming at for the 2nd last one :_rbcWww:) 30:08 - Keeper's diary 34:06 - Roboco forgot to reload □ 35:05 - Roboco has fast reactions when running away :_rbcWww: 35:36 - Wrong way... :_rbcAaaaa: 40:43 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 46:02 - Roboco Panik :_rbcAaaaa: 46:54, 47:15 - Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 52:24 - Roboco full inventory again :_rbcWww: 1:09:59 - Caution HP and fighting with a handgun against Crimson Heads... I'm not quite sure what Roboco was expecting □:_rbcWww:(+1 death:_rbcOmg:) 1:12:05 - Round 2 against those same Crimson Heads... (Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa:) 1:13:49 - Ear Blessing! :_rbcAaaaa:(Loudest one yet :_rbcWww:) 1:14:04 - Accidentally unequips her gun □(+1 death:_rbcOmg:) 1:15:40 - Round 3 against those same Crimson Heads... (much better luck this time! :_rbcNice:) 1:21:02 - Gya!:_rbcAaaaa: 1:37:28 - OMAE JAAAI! :_rbcAaaaa:(+1 death:_rbcOmg:) 1:40:29 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 1:41:11 - Roboco thinking what to do while keeping the zombie alive :_rbcWww: 1:55:10 - Vibing Roboco□ 1:58:03, 2:16:03, 2:19:56 - More Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:24:35 - Blessed Roboco Sneeze!:_rbcLove: 2:25:16 - Roboco thinking it was a great idea to turn the valve onto the herbs for some reason □(2:25:43 Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa:) 2:32:00 - Pain Robo:_rbcPienn: 2:34:12 - Finally fights the snake and Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: 2:34:42 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa: (First time I've seen this unique death animation :_rbcWow:+1 death:_rbcOmg:) 2:39:40 - Snake fight part 2 2:49:37 - Crypt Zombie fight!□ 2:54:40 - Robo Panik :_rbcAaaaa: 3:06:28 - Roboco noises:_rbcLove: 3:15:18 - Meeting Lisa :_rbcAaaaa: 3:23:25 - :_rbcAaaaa: 3:24:03, 3:26:56 - More Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 3:30:00 - Seeing the Spiders for the first time...:_rbcWww: 3:32:02, 3:46:16, 3:47:25 - More Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa: 4:01:40 - Finally discovers the ladder down to progress!:_rbcNice: 4:04:30 - Shark time... □(and Roboco Paniks for a solid 2 minutes :_rbcWww:) 4:07:15 - Starts Emptying the aquerium tank (despite having not looked around □:_rbcWww:) 4:09:38 - Ear Blessing!:_rbcAaaaa:□ (+1 death:_rbcOmg:) 4:17:42 - Shark Puzzle part 2 4:20:00 - □(+1 death:_rbcOmg:) 4:25:35 - Shark Puzzle part 3 4:30:09, 4:32:41, 4:33:39 - Even more Ear Blessings!:_rbcAaaaa:□ (and +1 death:_rbcOmg:) 4:44:07 - Finally gets her revenge on the shark! :_rbcNice: 4:49:29 - Superchat/Membership Readings and Chatting start□
おつろぼ〜〜 配信楽しく視聴させて貰いました 配信面白かったです 感謝です
長時間おつろぼでしたー! いろんな動物達と触れ合える楽しいゲームだ...犬🐶□サメ🦈...□ 楽しい...?:_rbcOmg:
おつろぼでした~:_rbcTea: 順調?に進んでて:_rbcNice::_rbcNice: 蛇も鮫もぶっとばすぜ!□
Thank you for today's creepy but fun Resident Evil HD stream, Roboco-san the Brave Robot! The Crimsonhead Boss is so easily for you to take him out even if the way to set him free is ominous! Some of the puzzles are... Puzzling but you're able to solve them easily. Just that one puzzle is very fishy 4:33:37. But not bad for finally finding the way!
長時間おつろぼー:_rbcTea: ヘビにサメにカラスにイヌにアニマルパラダイスだった□
Thank you for the stream!:_rbcLove: Glad you're still having fun with it, even if it can be confusing at times. □ Have a great day! Love you, Roboco! :_rbcLovee:
おつろぼでしたー!!!!! ラスト、勇敢にも沈んでいくろぼさー達には涙を禁じ得なかった
長時間おつろぼでした❗️ 眼帯姿を見れるの嬉しい❤
おつろぼ! 確実に進んでいる:_rbcNice: クリアする時が楽しみだ〜\🤖/
The plants, zombies and sharks all love Roboco a bit too much:_rbcAaaaa:.
長時間おつろぼでしたー! イッヌは折角克服したのに🦈チャンは強敵でしたね… 上司も意味深ムーブしてるし続きが楽しみ!
10q for the stream!! and 10q for all the ear blessings:_rbcLove: it is really fun to watch you play and learn!!