Always look forward to your little songs when you play games 😹 Pawel’s laugh is hysterical I’ve never heard anything like that LOL
I come back to this video now every once in a while when I need some special boy with special interest vibes 🤣
Loved this part of your playthrough and the voices you did for your cats cracked me up. "Papa, what is this dry crap you put in my bowl? We want the good wet stuff!"
he's just like me fr
Need the full song + a 10 minute techno remix on spotify asap
I bought this game! Haven't had a chance to play it and I don't think I've watched this stream yet, but I'm looking forward to both
He's all of us
Wait I love this lmao
Yeah... 😂 I was like 'you good, kid?' 🫣😅
omg he's my favorite! hope you play more of this!
Morphy, YOU’RE a special boy, and I’VE got a special interest in you, honey! Said in my best cat calling voice 😜😉 😂
This is how i feel about tmnt lol😂 I love this vid so much❤❤❤
Love it sm
love your singing💪
I have a question MadMorph. How do YOU deal with loss?❤