Clint is the biology teacher we all wish we had in HS. That level of enthusiasm would get the least interested student to become a science major.
Perhaps the glass frog evolved the translucent belly as a defense mechanism vs. biology students. “No no! No need to dissect me, go ahead and take a look at my guts! Feel free!”
I love that you're describing frogs by which parts of them are hard or soft
Honestly people underappreciate how cute frogs in general are
From an ecological perspective, it is notable that the wide variety in frogs and lizards suggests that there are many distinct niches, which of course is exactly what is to be expected in tropical rainforests. The great variety of life in Ecuador and Peru dwarfs anything that we're accustomed to seeing in the United States.
Holy cow that second casque-headed frog is the most metal looking amphibian I've ever seen. Like a cross between Beetlejuice and Abbath from Immortal (black metal band). I know it's gonna be a good year when Clint's first video of the year is on favourite animal! Happy New Year. This was a nice & much needed smile after the Brian news yesterday so thank you.
I love how the flora of the Amazon is so diverse that all of these amphibians look so different from one another, but they're all designed to look like leaf/bark. So many different trees to hide in!
That glass frog is so neat! She looks so delicate and fragile. Sooo pretty
I absolutely adore the long nosed casque headed tree frog. He looks like a little fantastical being or an alien frog. Thank you for introducing me to these wonderful little creatures!
I love all froggies. But if you have trypophobia, Pipa pipa is among the most disturbing creatures on earth.
Thanks for showing us the long-nosed "muppet goblin" tree frog!
My guess at the scientific names: - 0:34 - Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum - 1:29 - Edalorhina perezi - 2:39 - Rhinella dapsilis - 4:10 - Rhinella “margaritifera” - 6:01 - Hemiphractus helioi - 8:30 - Hemiphractus scutatus
i'm living for the goth makeup of the ground-dwelling casque-headed tree frog
I think it would be great to see a video about amphibians and how they are related.
that crested forest toad looked insane! with the bony hood and spines all over the place it looks like a fantasy creature, id call it a cobra toad :)
Thanks for telling us how the different parts of the body feel/what texture they have, not everyone describes these traits! It definitely makes it easier to immerse myself and imagine experiencing what you are☺️ (I wonder if they attract each other by smell or some type of vibration similar to bat sonar??)
I never knew I'd find frogs so beautiful. Thank you for showing me my error.
There's nothing better than watching a person talk about something they're interested in. The excitement is so infectious!
I could watch this gentle guy totally sperg out about weird frogs all day long. The camouflage they have is astonishing. That last one was so cool!