As a certified Master Locksmith for over 30 years, I have a comment or two. The "safety pin" is the dedlatch and, as you said, it prevents the latch from being slipped with a shim as you demonstrated. Alignment so that the deadlatch is depressed when the door is closed is vital. Also, deadbolt locks with security strikes installed with 3" screws will protect your house against all but the most determined burglars...if you lock them! Thanks for encouraging folks to pay attention and be safe.
Having been a locksmith for many years, I have educated most of my customers on this. All a knoblock does is to keep your door closed. ALWAYS have a deadbolt installed, always.
Wow! I would never have thought a harmless plastic bottle could open a door! I've learned a lot from your video. Now, if I can just remember it past ten minutes! Thanks so much for your expertise!
I worked as a locksmith for many years. Latch/strike plate alignment is crucial. A lot depends on what type of weather seal is used on the door. A majority of homeowners have a tendency to over close their doors. If the weather strip is a soft type, it can be compressed too much forcing the deadlatch into the strike rendering it useless. French doors usually have this foam weather strip. My old saying is entry locksets are designed to keep honest people out, deadbolts are designed to keep the dishonest people out. Use the deadbolt to secure your home. If you don't have some...get some.
Thanks! I checked my doors, and one of them needed adjusting. Thank you! I don't have much money to give, so I hope more viewers give to you as well for helping to protect us.
Thank you, both for spotlighting the problem, and for providing us a easy to apply solution. Surprised it's taken this long for your video to get the appreciation it deserves.
It's also recommended that you replace all the supplied screws for your lockset and door hinges with longer (2-1/2" - 3") stainless steel screws, biting them deeper into the wood framing. That will give more resistance to someone trying to force the door. Of course, try to avoid using exterior doors with windows or sidelights.
I just got a little screw next to the plate so any card or plastic will get stuck on it. Works well! Thank you for keeping us informed to stay safe. ❤
I’ve owned six homes over the past four decades. Every one of them either had deadbolts on the doors or I had them installed. And it takes no time at all to train yourself and your family to use them. That being said, thank you for the video and I look forward to your upcoming videos on home security.
Thank you for this video. My BIL is builder/ independent contractor. He has spent years trying to explain this exact situation to clients, and most still ignore his advice and don't repair the doors. However, I do appreciate what you're doing. Keep up the great work!
I am so grateful I saw this. For years, I always just pushed the door in enough so the safety pin would also go in, thinking that was properly closing the door..... Fortunately, never had any issue with burglary (having a cop neighbor helps), but now that I know that I will not be doing that!
If you want to stop locking yourself out of the house, always use your key to lock the door when you're already outside of the house.
Once when I lived in a small city a certain clever thief would lure a homeowner out into the front yard and keep them talking while his partner slipped through the neighbor’s back yard, in the back door and robbed the house with the owner a few yards away.— Remember to lock all doors even when you’re home.
When I saw the title, I would sad no way! I am glad I spent the time and watched the video. Now, I also learn what that little pin is for. 💯👍
Wow....every homeowner should have to watch this. I've heard for years about breaking in using a credit card. This is more useful to me as a way of preventing a break in. But also good to have as an option if I lock myself out. Great video...thanks
The angled screw for the latch is definitely a pro tip! Thanks for that!
I learned of this several years ago now, as part of expanding my penetration testing work into the physical security control area. This was a very clear demo with enough detail to really highlight the source of the risk AND the best remediations, in a non-sensational style. 10/10. Would recommend.
Thanks. Good points. Quick tip. Use three inch screws and if your existing screw holes in the wood are too big you can fill them with wooden toothpicks ( push them in and cut them flush) to make the screws fit tight again. This will allow you to reset the strike plate to the new position.
I enjoy your videos, and they are teaching me a lot but at the same time I think you are educating the criminals on how to break into our houses. Catch-22 situation here.