
Mars always seemed like the only authentic dude in Motley Crue.


I took a girl to a motley Crue show when we were 16 in the mid 80's over in Germany. We went to the front row on the left side where Nikki was. The girl kept getting crushed against the rails in front of the stage and began to cry. I asked her what I could do and if she wanted to move back. She said she needed some water. So between songs I yelled to Nikki she needed water. Nikki holds up his finger and said he would be right back. He went backstage and got a cup of water. He walked up to us and I thought wow he is really cool. But then he drank it in front of her and threw the cup at us. Then I thought what a dickbag.
True story.


I'm a recovering heroin addict, clean 18 yrs. now. The fact that Sixx didn't reach out to help John Corabi's son with his opioid addiction makes me want to puke. SIXX should be THE MOST GRATEFUL person on earth. He not only survived, but is rich, was born in a first world country, and has lived MUCH longer than he deserves...  any addict that has been fortunate enough to have made it through alive OWES his fellow man. NO ADDICT, has ever quite on their own. That's the power of opioids/heroin. Every single one of us clean addicts have received help in some form or another from another human. If we hadn't, the VAST majority of us wouldn't have made it and would be dead, ... no question, ... including myself.


Not thanking him for saving his life was the second worst thing Motley did to Honoi Rocks. The first worst thing was when Vince killed their drummer.


The Crue was trying to do to Mick what Van Halen did to Michael Anthony.


Nikki Sixx is an INCREDIBLE BASSIST..... said no one ever


I’ve been a bass teacher since 1982. I opened the 1st school of rock. NEVER have I had a student that said “I want to play like Nikki Sixx”! He has very little talent on the instrument.lol


Every single one of his "feuds" were with people INFINITELY more talented than he is.


I dropped my bass once and wrote a new bassline for Motley Crue


I saw Motley Crue on the dr feelgood tour. Was a huge fan and had front row seats. Afterwards I wasnt that much of a fan. Mick was solid. Tommy could keep a beat. Thats all I can say positively


Mars is 100x the talent of Sixx


You would think that after all these years Nikki Sixx would have picked up how to actually play the bass, yet here we are.


Nikki Tried To Join Ozzy's Band When He First Went Solo. Randy R. Had To Teach Nikki How To Tune A Bass. Nikki Didn't Know How.


16:26 "he tries to pretend he's some guy in the 90s" - Nikki Sixx, The man who pretends like he's still in the 80s


Nikki argues anyone with talent. He’s a total jealous drama queen


At least mick plays his instrument lmao


For people who say Gene Simmons can't play, look at Nikki and then listen again.


Suddenly I remember all over why I like Lars Ulrich.


Mick Mars was the only decent human being in the band. The rest of them are terrible people.


I totally believe that Nikki Sixx stole their image from Blackie Lawless and WASP.