
He actually chose a different title other than “they forgot to balance”


 "I'll beat you in 5" seconds"
"No, you don't"
Very cinematic for no reason


The Beast Gohan apocalypse is unreal, its like that one buzz lightyear meme


At around 11:05 the other player is abusing an exploit as they don't know how to super counter.

If you try to do a vanishing assault while someone is attacking you, it will unlock them from you and you'll start attacking the air. This is a known exploit and if you do it youre a bubble blowing baby.

The proof is you can see he loses a bit of ki just enough for a vanishing assault whenever Doto's combo drops. Please make sure to report this to Bandai so they can patch it out asap.


Impossible! It can't be! Doto having variety in naming his videos!?


Gohan be like. “Let me check up this apartment up real quick, yes pretty nice condition for a destroyed city let’s see if it can handle me powering up.”


No matter the game he is in. It will always be his turn..


Honestly though...Beast Gohan is busted but also really cool and badass! You can tell the devs wanted you to pay out the ass to get the best new character are really passionate about this character with the amount of care and love put into his moveset and animations!


"I guess it's my turn" -beast gohan


I love how they made it that local battle now allows you to use all the stages now (Because I cannot play online because I have no way to get playstation plus BUT I do have people coming over IRL pretty often so I am kinda playing it more like the OG budokai tenkaichi 2 people at home just playing the game in split screen)


i was certified dumbass i played the 2nd and 3rd match i let my roommate play the first because they are a huge fan of yours ggs all round you were fun to go against


I think the reason gohans moves are underwhelming is because he didn’t really do allat in the movie in his base form, so they didn’t have a lot to work with


The Beast Gohan situation is crazy


"I'llbeat you in five seconds"
"No you don't"
That went HARD


1:28 - 1:51 is the greatest clip ever. Please make that a YT short. It was hilarious on top with the voiceover.


21:21 Part of the patch notes was that moves like Wild Sense no longer activate when you are in stun after your own move


THAT FINAL ULTIMATE GOHAN FIGHT AGAINST UI GOKU WAS STRAIGHT UP AN ANIME BOSS FIGHT!!!!! Going Beast Gohan at the end to "Show you how hopeless it really is", then ONE SHOTTING him was SUCH a hard flex 😂🔥🔥 Glad you rematched him, that's the potential of just fighting the whole set out like Men💪💪


If they’d give him an animation to throw the cape when transforming to super saiyan he’d be perfect to me 😭


1:36 Gohan gettin in a light workout before gettin back to the action


“ he’s attacking me like a shark “ ☠️☠️☠️☠️