you catch me this is absolute cinema
Joe bident vs Andre west
Good to know that RHG is still Especially thesectwo characters. They're so old.
Only real ones remember Andre from the games on stick page
absolute cinema
Haven't seen Steel and Bident in a hot minute. Dope asf to see the OGs back in action. Everyone did an awesome job
2:49 bro’s phone is Nokia 💀
Feels real special getting voice acting. Props!
True talent @SteelAnim❤️🔥
I read it like: BIDEN VS ANDRE
If just the FPS were more
7:26 This went so hard!!!
If Gildedguy shows up in this it’s gonna get a bit confusing as the which events happened and which ones didn’t
Steel came back🔥🔥🔥
godamn i cant believe steel and bident made a collab and I DIDNT know about it its great to see this, it feels like its been ages
Nice job Steel my friend, you got featured finally. Glad to have you back ! 🔥
Wow, Steel is back? Along with the Fluidanims originals? Dope animation!!
watching these two fight, feels like I went back in time :)
Alright, I’m invested. When’s the next one coming out? 2 months? 8 months?