Connecting double stop harmonies to chord shapes so that they’re easy to visualize. Guitar lesson.
Active Melody
Connecting double stop harmonies to chord shapes so that they’re easy to visualize. Guitar lesson.
Connecting double stop harmonies to chord shapes! Guitar Lesson - EP606
Active Melody
Connecting double stop harmonies to chord shapes! Guitar Lesson - EP606
Want better rhythm chopped? Learn these must-know blues rhythm ideas - #guitarlesson
Active Melody
Want better rhythm chopped? Learn these must-know blues rhythm ideas - #guitarlesson
Want better rhythm chops? Learn These Must-Know Blues Rhythm Ideas! - Guitar Lesson - ML108
Active Melody
Want better rhythm chops? Learn These Must-Know Blues Rhythm Ideas! - Guitar Lesson - ML108
2 Ideas for turning a simple melody into a great sounding lead! Guitar Lesson - EP605
Active Melody
2 Ideas for turning a simple melody into a great sounding lead! Guitar Lesson - EP605
Turn a simple melody into a great sounding lead by embellishing. See related video - #guitarlessons
Active Melody
Turn a simple melody into a great sounding lead by embellishing. See related video - #guitarlessons
The “Sweet Spot” for playing Blues lead on guitar. Check out the related video for lesson.
Active Melody
The “Sweet Spot” for playing Blues lead on guitar. Check out the related video for lesson.
The Blues lead "Sweet Spot" for mixing the major and minor pentatonic scales - Guitar Lesson - ML107
Active Melody
The Blues lead "Sweet Spot" for mixing the major and minor pentatonic scales - Guitar Lesson - ML107
Heavy Blues - Blending the major and minor pentatonic scales: Full lesson at
Active Melody
Heavy Blues - Blending the major and minor pentatonic scales: Full lesson at
Slow, Heavy Blues - Blending the Major & Minor Pentatonic Scales - Lead Guitar Lesson - EP604
Active Melody
Slow, Heavy Blues - Blending the Major & Minor Pentatonic Scales - Lead Guitar Lesson - EP604
A quick guide to playing through chord changes on guitar. Full lesson version at
Active Melody
A quick guide to playing through chord changes on guitar. Full lesson version at
A quick guide to improvising over chord changes. Guitar improvising made easy! Guitar Lesson - ML106
Active Melody
A quick guide to improvising over chord changes. Guitar improvising made easy! Guitar Lesson - ML106
Using Triads to compose your guitar solo! #guitarsolo #leadguitar #guitarlessons
Active Melody
Using Triads to compose your guitar solo! #guitarsolo #leadguitar #guitarlessons
Using triads (chords) to construct a solo - Guitar Lesson - EP603
Active Melody
Using triads (chords) to construct a solo - Guitar Lesson - EP603
Blending the Pentatonics using the "SLIDEY" lick. Guitar Lesson - ML105
Active Melody
Blending the Pentatonics using the "SLIDEY" lick. Guitar Lesson - ML105
2 popular zones for playing easy Blues guitar. #bluesguitar #guitarlesson
Active Melody
2 popular zones for playing easy Blues guitar. #bluesguitar #guitarlesson
2 Popular Zones on the Fretboard for Easy Blues! Lead Guitar Lesson - EP602
Active Melody
2 Popular Zones on the Fretboard for Easy Blues! Lead Guitar Lesson - EP602
How to use the Harmonic Minor Scale when improvising. 1 note makes all the difference!
Active Melody
How to use the Harmonic Minor Scale when improvising. 1 note makes all the difference!
1 note can give you the harmonic minor sound! Useful when improvising lead guitar - Lesson ML104
Active Melody
1 note can give you the harmonic minor sound! Useful when improvising lead guitar - Lesson ML104
Learn an easy way to play beautiful harmonies when you improvise lead on guitar using just 2 strings
Active Melody
Learn an easy way to play beautiful harmonies when you improvise lead on guitar using just 2 strings
Beautiful guitar harmonies using just 2 strings. Easy to visualize!  Guitar Lesson - EP601
Active Melody
Beautiful guitar harmonies using just 2 strings. Easy to visualize! Guitar Lesson - EP601
I just completed my 600th in-depth guitar lesson. What's next?
Active Melody
I just completed my 600th in-depth guitar lesson. What's next?
Minor key Blues - Electric lead guitar lesson - Jam track provided by @quistguitar
Active Melody
Minor key Blues - Electric lead guitar lesson - Jam track provided by @quistguitar
Minor key blues - electric lead guitar lesson - Jam track by Quist! - Guitar Lesson EP600
Active Melody
Minor key blues - electric lead guitar lesson - Jam track by Quist! - Guitar Lesson EP600
Blues guitar by yourself - Fingerstyle! The full lesson available at ActiveMelody website.
Active Melody
Blues guitar by yourself - Fingerstyle! The full lesson available at ActiveMelody website.
Blues Guitar by Yourself - Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Lesson - EP599
Active Melody
Blues Guitar by Yourself - Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Lesson - EP599
Swiss Army Knife of rhythm guitar ideas for this weeks lesson. #guitarlesson #rhythmguitar
Active Melody
Swiss Army Knife of rhythm guitar ideas for this weeks lesson. #guitarlesson #rhythmguitar
Swiss Army Knife of Guitar Rhythm Ideas. Useful when improvising rhythm guitar - Guitar Lesson EP598
Active Melody
Swiss Army Knife of Guitar Rhythm Ideas. Useful when improvising rhythm guitar - Guitar Lesson EP598
O Little Town of Bethlehem - easy solo guitar composition - #guitarlessons #christmasguitar
Active Melody
O Little Town of Bethlehem - easy solo guitar composition - #guitarlessons #christmasguitar
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Easy Solo Guitar Composition - Guitar Lesson EP597
Active Melody
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Easy Solo Guitar Composition - Guitar Lesson EP597
Sometimes, 5 notes is all you need for guitar fun. The Minor Pentatonic Scale. Twangy guitar melody
Active Melody
Sometimes, 5 notes is all you need for guitar fun. The Minor Pentatonic Scale. Twangy guitar melody
Sometimes, 5 notes is all you need! Twangy guitar melody using the Minor Pentatonic Scale - EP596
Active Melody
Sometimes, 5 notes is all you need! Twangy guitar melody using the Minor Pentatonic Scale - EP596
Acoustic jam for this week’s lesson. Inspired by Jerry Garcia - #acousticguitar #jerrygarcia #guitar
Active Melody
Acoustic jam for this week’s lesson. Inspired by Jerry Garcia - #acousticguitar #jerrygarcia #guitar
Acoustic Jam: Acoustic lead inspired by Jerry Garcia - Guitar Lesson - EP595
Active Melody
Acoustic Jam: Acoustic lead inspired by Jerry Garcia - Guitar Lesson - EP595
Slow, country lead using the CAGED System to visualize. See related video for lesson.
Active Melody
Slow, country lead using the CAGED System to visualize. See related video for lesson.
Slow country lead using the CAGED System - Guitar Lesson - EP594
Active Melody
Slow country lead using the CAGED System - Guitar Lesson - EP594
Lead with Arpeggios:  finding the right notes to match the chord. See related video
Active Melody
Lead with Arpeggios: finding the right notes to match the chord. See related video
Lead with Arpeggios:  finding the right notes to match the chord - Guitar Lesson - EP593
Active Melody
Lead with Arpeggios: finding the right notes to match the chord - Guitar Lesson - EP593
Easy way to visualize harmonized guitar leads - #guitarlessons #leadguitar
Active Melody
Easy way to visualize harmonized guitar leads - #guitarlessons #leadguitar
Easy way to visualize harmonized guitar leads - Guitar Lesson - EP592
Active Melody
Easy way to visualize harmonized guitar leads - Guitar Lesson - EP592
Blues guitar chords that you may not know about - #guitarlessons #guitartabs - see related video
Active Melody
Blues guitar chords that you may not know about - #guitarlessons #guitartabs - see related video
Blues chord ideas that you may not know about! Guitar Lesson - EP591
Active Melody
Blues chord ideas that you may not know about! Guitar Lesson - EP591
Improve your speed and accuracy with this fun bluegrass rag. See related video for breakdown
Active Melody
Improve your speed and accuracy with this fun bluegrass rag. See related video for breakdown
Improve your speed and accuracy with this fun Bluegrass Rag. Guitar Lesson - EP590
Active Melody
Improve your speed and accuracy with this fun Bluegrass Rag. Guitar Lesson - EP590
This week’s guitar lesson: Mixolydian scale and “dancing with your fingers” - #guitarlessons
Active Melody
This week’s guitar lesson: Mixolydian scale and “dancing with your fingers” - #guitarlessons
Mixolydian Scale and dancing with your fingers!  Guitar Lesson - EP589
Active Melody
Mixolydian Scale and dancing with your fingers! Guitar Lesson - EP589
New lesson: Ideas for making a blues chord structure sound more interesting.
Active Melody
New lesson: Ideas for making a blues chord structure sound more interesting.
Ideas for making a blues chord structure sound more interesting. Guitar Lesson - EP588
Active Melody
Ideas for making a blues chord structure sound more interesting. Guitar Lesson - EP588
Incredible sounds by playing minor chords on top of major chords. #guitarlesson ar
Active Melody
Incredible sounds by playing minor chords on top of major chords. #guitarlesson ar
Minor chord magic! Build incredible sounds by playing minor chords over Major - Guitar Lesson EP587
Active Melody
Minor chord magic! Build incredible sounds by playing minor chords over Major - Guitar Lesson EP587
Minor Pentatonic Blues by yourself (no jam track), using just 1 position of the scale (pattern 1)
Active Melody
Minor Pentatonic Blues by yourself (no jam track), using just 1 position of the scale (pattern 1)
Minor Pentatonic Blues - Play this by yourself using just 1 position - Guitar Lesson - EP586
Active Melody
Minor Pentatonic Blues - Play this by yourself using just 1 position - Guitar Lesson - EP586
Slow, instrumental ballad on guitar - 7 ideas you can use when improvising! - #guitarlessons
Active Melody
Slow, instrumental ballad on guitar - 7 ideas you can use when improvising! - #guitarlessons
Old School, Instrumental Ballad - 7 ideas you can use when you improvise - Guitar Lesson - EP585
Active Melody
Old School, Instrumental Ballad - 7 ideas you can use when you improvise - Guitar Lesson - EP585
Fingerstyle rhythm plus a minor key blues lead in the week’s lesson. #guitarlessons #leadguitar
Active Melody
Fingerstyle rhythm plus a minor key blues lead in the week’s lesson. #guitarlessons #leadguitar
Learn a percussive fingerstyle rhythm and a blues lead in this minor key jam - Guitar Lesson - EP584
Active Melody
Learn a percussive fingerstyle rhythm and a blues lead in this minor key jam - Guitar Lesson - EP584
Acoustic Country Blues - REBOOT - Part 2! - Full lesson for both parts at ActiveMelody website
Active Melody
Acoustic Country Blues - REBOOT - Part 2! - Full lesson for both parts at ActiveMelody website
Why was this guitar lesson so popular? Acoustic Country Blues (REBOOT) - Now includes Part 2 - EP583
Active Melody
Why was this guitar lesson so popular? Acoustic Country Blues (REBOOT) - Now includes Part 2 - EP583
THIS is how to USE the CAGED System to play lead over chord changes - Guitar Lesson - EP582
Active Melody
THIS is how to USE the CAGED System to play lead over chord changes - Guitar Lesson - EP582
5 guitar licks that change up your game when improvising lead - #GuitarLessons #guitarplayer
Active Melody
5 guitar licks that change up your game when improvising lead - #GuitarLessons #guitarplayer
5 Guitar lick ideas to up your game when improvising. Guitar Lesson - EP581
Active Melody
5 Guitar lick ideas to up your game when improvising. Guitar Lesson - EP581
Country Blues by yourself- full lesson in related video below
Active Melody
Country Blues by yourself- full lesson in related video below
Country Blues guitar composition By Yourself - while outlining the changes. Guitar Lesson - EP580
Active Melody
Country Blues guitar composition By Yourself - while outlining the changes. Guitar Lesson - EP580
Hearing the intervals. Solo using just 1 string! Full lesson at ActiveMelody - #guitarlesson
Active Melody
Hearing the intervals. Solo using just 1 string! Full lesson at ActiveMelody - #guitarlesson
Solo using just 1 string!  A great way to HEAR the intervals - Guitar Lesson EP579
Active Melody
Solo using just 1 string! A great way to HEAR the intervals - Guitar Lesson EP579
Use The CAGED System to play a solo blues composition on electric or acoustic guitar.#guitarlessons
Active Melody
Use The CAGED System to play a solo blues composition on electric or acoustic guitar.#guitarlessons
Use chord shapes from The CAGED System to play solo Blues guitar - Blues guitar lesson - EP578
Active Melody
Use chord shapes from The CAGED System to play solo Blues guitar - Blues guitar lesson - EP578
Eric Clapton style string bending and playing with emotion on tap for this week’s guitar lesson
Active Melody
Eric Clapton style string bending and playing with emotion on tap for this week’s guitar lesson
Eric Clapton style string bends and playing with emotion. No speed required. Guitar Lesson EP577
Active Melody
Eric Clapton style string bends and playing with emotion. No speed required. Guitar Lesson EP577
Improvised blues - first time hearing the jam track. Minor blues jam track provided by @QuistJam
Active Melody
Improvised blues - first time hearing the jam track. Minor blues jam track provided by @QuistJam
Use your ear and improvise a blues lead over a minor key jam track in 1 take. Guitar Lesson EP576
Active Melody
Use your ear and improvise a blues lead over a minor key jam track in 1 take. Guitar Lesson EP576
12 bar acoustic blues with a single drum track. Full lesson at - #guitarlessons
Active Melody
12 bar acoustic blues with a single drum track. Full lesson at - #guitarlessons
Acoustic 12 bar blues played with a single drum track. Guitar Lesson - EP575
Active Melody
Acoustic 12 bar blues played with a single drum track. Guitar Lesson - EP575
Play like a PRO with these 3 Triad positions - Guitar Lesson - EP574
Active Melody
Play like a PRO with these 3 Triad positions - Guitar Lesson - EP574
“Call & Response” style blues guitar  that you can play by yourself. #bluesguitar #guitartabs
Active Melody
“Call & Response” style blues guitar that you can play by yourself. #bluesguitar #guitartabs
Call & Response Blues that you can play by yourself on guitar - Blues Guitar Lesson - EP573
Active Melody
Call & Response Blues that you can play by yourself on guitar - Blues Guitar Lesson - EP573
Transform basic chords into a solo guitar composition by visualizing chord shapes
Active Melody
Transform basic chords into a solo guitar composition by visualizing chord shapes
Transform a few basic chords in to a solo guitar composition! Mellow guitar jam - Lesson EP572
Active Melody
Transform a few basic chords in to a solo guitar composition! Mellow guitar jam - Lesson EP572
Picking up a 1961 Gibson ES-335 from it's original owner!
Active Melody
Picking up a 1961 Gibson ES-335 from it's original owner!
we’ll take the jam track from last weeks Ear Training lesson and introduce the flat 7
Active Melody
we’ll take the jam track from last weeks Ear Training lesson and introduce the flat 7
Ear training (Part 2 of 2) - Playing the flat 7 over chord changes - Guitar Lesson - EP571
Active Melody
Ear training (Part 2 of 2) - Playing the flat 7 over chord changes - Guitar Lesson - EP571
Ear training lesson this week. A simple system to find the right target notes by using your ear.
Active Melody
Ear training lesson this week. A simple system to find the right target notes by using your ear.
Ear training (Part 1 of 2) - A simple formula for finding the right notes and playing by ear. EP570
Active Melody
Ear training (Part 1 of 2) - A simple formula for finding the right notes and playing by ear. EP570
Acoustic blues by yourself - guitar lesson
Active Melody
Acoustic blues by yourself - guitar lesson
Acoustic blues guitar that you can play by yourself - No Jam Track Needed - Guitar Lesson - EP569
Active Melody
Acoustic blues guitar that you can play by yourself - No Jam Track Needed - Guitar Lesson - EP569
Take your time! Slow and easy lead over the chord changes #guitarlead
Active Melody
Take your time! Slow and easy lead over the chord changes #guitarlead
Take your time! Let those notes ring across chords. Guitar Lesson - EP568
Active Melody
Take your time! Let those notes ring across chords. Guitar Lesson - EP568
Gospel blues style lead - play over the chord changes using the pentatonics and chord shapes
Active Melody
Gospel blues style lead - play over the chord changes using the pentatonics and chord shapes
Play a lead using the Pentatonics and chord shapes over a Gospel Blues - Guitar Lesson - EP567
Active Melody
Play a lead using the Pentatonics and chord shapes over a Gospel Blues - Guitar Lesson - EP567
Looking for rhythm ideas?  These simple chord embellishments are a game changer. Guitar Lesson EP566
Active Melody
Looking for rhythm ideas? These simple chord embellishments are a game changer. Guitar Lesson EP566
Dickey Betts style lead guitar lesson plus the 3 things that give him his sound. Guitar Lesson EP565
Active Melody
Dickey Betts style lead guitar lesson plus the 3 things that give him his sound. Guitar Lesson EP565
Build your own solo guitar composition using these 7 steps! Guitar Lesson EP564
Active Melody
Build your own solo guitar composition using these 7 steps! Guitar Lesson EP564
Less is more! Sometimes a simple lead is exactly what is needed. #guitarlead #guitarlesson
Active Melody
Less is more! Sometimes a simple lead is exactly what is needed. #guitarlead #guitarlesson
Less is more! It's ok to keep your guitar solos simple. Guitar Lesson EP563
Active Melody
Less is more! It's ok to keep your guitar solos simple. Guitar Lesson EP563
Try using triads in your lead. Simple technique for playing chord changes  - Guitar Lesson - EP562
Active Melody
Try using triads in your lead. Simple technique for playing chord changes - Guitar Lesson - EP562
Slow blues lead by yourself on guitar (no jam track needed for this one) - lesson at ActiveMelody
Active Melody
Slow blues lead by yourself on guitar (no jam track needed for this one) - lesson at ActiveMelody
Blues lead by YOURSELF! Slow blues that works in any key (no jam track needed) - Guitar Lesson EP561
Active Melody
Blues lead by YOURSELF! Slow blues that works in any key (no jam track needed) - Guitar Lesson EP561
Part 5 of 5 - The CAGED System - The D Shape deep dive plus how to use it when improvising lead
Active Melody
Part 5 of 5 - The CAGED System - The D Shape deep dive plus how to use it when improvising lead
Part 5 - The CAGED System Series - The D Shape - Plus a lead that demonstrates how to use - EP560
Active Melody
Part 5 - The CAGED System Series - The D Shape - Plus a lead that demonstrates how to use - EP560
Part 4 - The CAGED System Series - The G Shape - 5 Ideas within the G Shape - Guitar Lesson - EP559
Active Melody
Part 4 - The CAGED System Series - The G Shape - 5 Ideas within the G Shape - Guitar Lesson - EP559