3 Dinosaur Fossils That Preserve Internal Organs
Ben G Thomas
3 Dinosaur Fossils That Preserve Internal Organs
Every Time Things Have Evolved Into Cats
Ben G Thomas
Every Time Things Have Evolved Into Cats
5 Strange Prehistoric Creatures Found Trapped In Amber
Ben G Thomas
5 Strange Prehistoric Creatures Found Trapped In Amber
The Speculative Aliens of Wallace II - The Polyspeculates
Ben G Thomas
The Speculative Aliens of Wallace II - The Polyspeculates
5 Strange Prehistoric Creatures Found Frozen In Ice
Ben G Thomas
5 Strange Prehistoric Creatures Found Frozen In Ice
The Most Scientifically Accurate T. rex Ever?
Ben G Thomas
The Most Scientifically Accurate T. rex Ever?
Giant Prehistoric Worm Lizard Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Giant Prehistoric Worm Lizard Discovered | 7 Days of Science
The Earth 600,000 Years Ago | 600,000 Subscribers Special
Ben G Thomas
The Earth 600,000 Years Ago | 600,000 Subscribers Special
New Species of Azhdarchid Discovered in Japan | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Species of Azhdarchid Discovered in Japan | 7 Days of Science
Was Spinosaurus Really A Swimming Dinosaur?
Ben G Thomas
Was Spinosaurus Really A Swimming Dinosaur?
Were Dinosaurs Too Big To Walk On Land? | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Were Dinosaurs Too Big To Walk On Land? | 7 Days of Science
When Deer Were Giant (And Weird)
Ben G Thomas
When Deer Were Giant (And Weird)
A Gigantic New Terror Bird Has Been Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
A Gigantic New Terror Bird Has Been Discovered | 7 Days of Science
The Deadliest Dinosaur That Ever Lived - With Steve Backshall
Ben G Thomas
The Deadliest Dinosaur That Ever Lived - With Steve Backshall
Dwarf Versions of Gigantopithecus Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Dwarf Versions of Gigantopithecus Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ancient Humans Butchered Giant Elephants 300,000 Years Ago | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Ancient Humans Butchered Giant Elephants 300,000 Years Ago | 7 Days of Science
When Earth Was Ruled By Arachnids
Ben G Thomas
When Earth Was Ruled By Arachnids
The New Look of Arthropleura - The Giant Prehistoric Millipede | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The New Look of Arthropleura - The Giant Prehistoric Millipede | 7 Days of Science
The Demon Ducks of Prehistoric Australia
Ben G Thomas
The Demon Ducks of Prehistoric Australia
Dinosaur killing asteroid had a friend #sciencenews
Ben G Thomas
Dinosaur killing asteroid had a friend #sciencenews
The Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Was Not Alone | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Was Not Alone | 7 Days of Science
What Was The First Dinosaur to Evolve? - UNSOLVED Dinosaur Mysteries
Ben G Thomas
What Was The First Dinosaur to Evolve? - UNSOLVED Dinosaur Mysteries
New Tyrannosaur Species Changes the Picture of Tyrant Evolution | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Tyrannosaur Species Changes the Picture of Tyrant Evolution | 7 Days of Science
African Rock Painting May Depict Animal Extinct for 200 Million Years | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
African Rock Painting May Depict Animal Extinct for 200 Million Years | 7 Days of Science
Earth Used to Have a Ring #sciencenews
Ben G Thomas
Earth Used to Have a Ring #sciencenews
New Evidence Shows Earth Had a Ring 466 Million Years Ago | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Evidence Shows Earth Had a Ring 466 Million Years Ago | 7 Days of Science
The New Look of (smaller) Dunkleosteus | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The New Look of (smaller) Dunkleosteus | 7 Days of Science
Spinosaurus Was Not Just A Fish-Eater - It Was A Land Predator Too | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Spinosaurus Was Not Just A Fish-Eater - It Was A Land Predator Too | 7 Days of Science
The Prehistoric Worms That Were Key to the Evolution of Life | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The Prehistoric Worms That Were Key to the Evolution of Life | 7 Days of Science
New Species of Jurassic Carnivorous Dinosaur Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Species of Jurassic Carnivorous Dinosaur Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Prehistoric Water Bears Found Trapped in Amber | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Prehistoric Water Bears Found Trapped in Amber | 7 Days of Science
New Species of Prehistoric Land Croc Had Crushing Teeth | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Species of Prehistoric Land Croc Had Crushing Teeth | 7 Days of Science
The Blue Whale Might Not Be The Biggest Animal That Ever Lived
Ben G Thomas
The Blue Whale Might Not Be The Biggest Animal That Ever Lived
T. rex Might Have Been Even Bigger Than We Thought | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
T. rex Might Have Been Even Bigger Than We Thought | 7 Days of Science
Some presenters try to build a shark head
Ben G Thomas
Some presenters try to build a shark head
Neanderthals also have an aesthetic interest
Ben G Thomas
Neanderthals also have an aesthetic interest
Neanderthals Had A Sense of Aesthetics | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Neanderthals Had A Sense of Aesthetics | 7 Days of Science
Woolly Mammoth Chromosomes Found Frozen in Ice (52,000 Years Old!) | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Woolly Mammoth Chromosomes Found Frozen in Ice (52,000 Years Old!) | 7 Days of Science
The True Size of Megalodon
Ben G Thomas
The True Size of Megalodon
How Big Was Megalodon Really?
Ben G Thomas
How Big Was Megalodon Really?
The prehistoric shark that crushed its prey #sharkweek
Ben G Thomas
The prehistoric shark that crushed its prey #sharkweek
The Weird World of Deep Sea Sharks
Ben G Thomas
The Weird World of Deep Sea Sharks
Megalodon Nursery Sites Found?
Ben G Thomas
Megalodon Nursery Sites Found?
Do Sharks Need to Pack Hunt?  #SharkWeek
Ben G Thomas
Do Sharks Need to Pack Hunt? #SharkWeek
Why Do Sharks Hunt in Packs (does it work)?
Ben G Thomas
Why Do Sharks Hunt in Packs (does it work)?
Tiger Shark Eats Echidna | 7 Days of Shark Science
Ben G Thomas
Tiger Shark Eats Echidna | 7 Days of Shark Science
Sharks of the Jurassic Oceans
Ben G Thomas
Sharks of the Jurassic Oceans
A Pig-Faced Shark? - The Angular Roughshark #SharkWeek
Ben G Thomas
A Pig-Faced Shark? - The Angular Roughshark #SharkWeek
Is Megalodon Still Alive?
Ben G Thomas
Is Megalodon Still Alive?
The Last Woolly Mammoths Were Wiped Out by a ‘Mystery Event’ | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The Last Woolly Mammoths Were Wiped Out by a ‘Mystery Event’ | 7 Days of Science
New Horned Dinosaur Species Named Lokiceratops | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Horned Dinosaur Species Named Lokiceratops | 7 Days of Science
Spinosaurus Found to NOT be a Swimming Dinosaur Again (again) | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Spinosaurus Found to NOT be a Swimming Dinosaur Again (again) | 7 Days of Science
The Biggest Deer That Ever Lived
Ben G Thomas
The Biggest Deer That Ever Lived
Every Time Giant Deer Have Evolved
Ben G Thomas
Every Time Giant Deer Have Evolved
New pterosaur species named after Avatar alien
Ben G Thomas
New pterosaur species named after Avatar alien
New Pterosaur Species Named After Avatar Alien | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Pterosaur Species Named After Avatar Alien | 7 Days of Science
Prehistoric Terror Duck That Used to Roam Australia Reanalysed by Palaeontologists  #prehistoric
Ben G Thomas
Prehistoric Terror Duck That Used to Roam Australia Reanalysed by Palaeontologists #prehistoric
The New Look of Prehistoric Australia’s ‘Thunder Birds’ | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The New Look of Prehistoric Australia’s ‘Thunder Birds’ | 7 Days of Science
This Triassic reptile convergently evolved with a platypus
Ben G Thomas
This Triassic reptile convergently evolved with a platypus
5 Strange Creatures From the Triassic Period
Ben G Thomas
5 Strange Creatures From the Triassic Period
Prehistoric Platypuses Discovered!
Ben G Thomas
Prehistoric Platypuses Discovered!
Prehistoric Platypus Ancestor Discovered in Australia | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Prehistoric Platypus Ancestor Discovered in Australia | 7 Days of Science
The saddest fossil that's ever been found
Ben G Thomas
The saddest fossil that's ever been found
This prehistoric arachnid had spiked legs!
Ben G Thomas
This prehistoric arachnid had spiked legs!
308 Million-Year-Old Arachnid With Spiked Legs Found in Illinois | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
308 Million-Year-Old Arachnid With Spiked Legs Found in Illinois | 7 Days of Science
Why did humans vanish from Britain for 15,000 years?
Ben G Thomas
Why did humans vanish from Britain for 15,000 years?
When Humans Vanished From Britain for 15,000 Years
Ben G Thomas
When Humans Vanished From Britain for 15,000 Years
Sperm Whale communication has similarities to human language!
Ben G Thomas
Sperm Whale communication has similarities to human language!
50 Million-Year-Old Pseudoscorpion Found Trapped in Amber | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
50 Million-Year-Old Pseudoscorpion Found Trapped in Amber | 7 Days of Science
Could T. rex Have Used Tools? | BoneHeads
Ben G Thomas
Could T. rex Have Used Tools? | BoneHeads
Double Sabre Teeth on Smilodon?
Ben G Thomas
Double Sabre Teeth on Smilodon?
Why is Venus losing so much water?
Ben G Thomas
Why is Venus losing so much water?
Sumatran Orangutan Heals Himself Using Plant!
Ben G Thomas
Sumatran Orangutan Heals Himself Using Plant!
Sabre-Toothed Cats Actually Had Double Sabres? | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Sabre-Toothed Cats Actually Had Double Sabres? | 7 Days of Science
This prehistoric reptile is not a croc!
Ben G Thomas
This prehistoric reptile is not a croc!
Every Time Things Have Evolved Into Crocodiles
Ben G Thomas
Every Time Things Have Evolved Into Crocodiles
The Saber-Toothed Salmon Never Existed? | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The Saber-Toothed Salmon Never Existed? | 7 Days of Science
The Saber-Toothed Salmon never existed?
Ben G Thomas
The Saber-Toothed Salmon never existed?
The Marine Monsters of England's Jurassic Seas | BoneHeads
Ben G Thomas
The Marine Monsters of England's Jurassic Seas | BoneHeads
The biggest snake that ever lived?! #sciencenews #snake #fossil
Ben G Thomas
The biggest snake that ever lived?! #sciencenews #snake #fossil
The Biggest Snake To Ever Live Has Just Been Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
The Biggest Snake To Ever Live Has Just Been Discovered | 7 Days of Science
New Study Says Fibre Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Ben G Thomas
New Study Says Fibre Helps Lower Blood Pressure
A New Species of Dwarf Titanosaur Has Been Discovered | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
A New Species of Dwarf Titanosaur Has Been Discovered | 7 Days of Science
The Flying Predator That Ate Dinosaurs - Hatzegopteryx
Ben G Thomas
The Flying Predator That Ate Dinosaurs - Hatzegopteryx
What Was The Biggest Flying Animal Ever?
Ben G Thomas
What Was The Biggest Flying Animal Ever?
Tiny Jurassic fossils reveal how human hearing evolved! #7DaysOfScience
Ben G Thomas
Tiny Jurassic fossils reveal how human hearing evolved! #7DaysOfScience
New Jurassic Fossils Reveal How Human Hearing Evolved | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Jurassic Fossils Reveal How Human Hearing Evolved | 7 Days of Science
Get eye-level with a T. rex! Meet Rocky the Tyrannosaurus #BoneHeads
Ben G Thomas
Get eye-level with a T. rex! Meet Rocky the Tyrannosaurus #BoneHeads
Meet Dracula - The Largest Pterosaur That Ever Flew? | BoneHeads in Germany (Part 2)
Ben G Thomas
Meet Dracula - The Largest Pterosaur That Ever Flew? | BoneHeads in Germany (Part 2)
Two New Species of Killer Whales Have Been Named!
Ben G Thomas
Two New Species of Killer Whales Have Been Named!
100 Million-Year-Old Tapeworm Found Trapped in Amber | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
100 Million-Year-Old Tapeworm Found Trapped in Amber | 7 Days of Science
Dogs' Brains Scanned to Show They Understand Words
Ben G Thomas
Dogs' Brains Scanned to Show They Understand Words
New Species of Prehistoric Amphibian Named After Kermit | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
New Species of Prehistoric Amphibian Named After Kermit | 7 Days of Science
Giant Prehistoric Freshwater Turtles Coexisted With Early Humans | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Giant Prehistoric Freshwater Turtles Coexisted With Early Humans | 7 Days of Science
Giant Prehistoric Turtles Lived With Early Humans in the Amazon
Ben G Thomas
Giant Prehistoric Turtles Lived With Early Humans in the Amazon
Spinosaurus was not an aquatic dinosaur?
Ben G Thomas
Spinosaurus was not an aquatic dinosaur?
Spinosaurus Was Not An Aquatic Dinosaur? (Again) | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Spinosaurus Was Not An Aquatic Dinosaur? (Again) | 7 Days of Science
A Triassic Odd Couple #FossilFriday
Ben G Thomas
A Triassic Odd Couple #FossilFriday
New Method of Viewing Atoms in 3D Understood! #7DoS
Ben G Thomas
New Method of Viewing Atoms in 3D Understood! #7DoS
Bizarre New Species of Mosasaur Had Dagger-Like Teeth | 7 Days of Science
Ben G Thomas
Bizarre New Species of Mosasaur Had Dagger-Like Teeth | 7 Days of Science